Korekiyo x Angie day/part 2

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I got this idea when eating my food walking around is it just me who does that? Also this might be badly explained :<


I think

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I think

YouTuber for the edit is: Angie Yonaga the video link is https://youtu.be/J61Bc5DTUxw

"Kiyo! Who's the most interesting person to you when you were studying Anthropology?" Angie asked Kiyo "Hmmmm probably [Insert person cause I don't know]. Why do you ask?" Kiyo answered Angie while asking Angie a question? "Can you tell me about them while I draw them?" Angie answered Kiyo in a question. Kiyo just answered with a simple "Sure" After the moment where Kiyo was telling Angie about the person while Angie is drawing them. "That's all you need to know about them" Kiyo finished the story about [whoever you decided to put] After about 36 seconds Angie went to Kiyo and started to attack him with hugs. (A/N I wanted to add another thing to this but I'll save that for tomorrow cause it seems I posted this a day after last chapter so for 7 days I'll post a Kiyo x Angie for it) They cuddled while Kiyo talked about people in Anthropology while they walked around and looking at Angie's art
Words: 207

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