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AU: Non-despair
No video nor picture credit
Type: fluff
"Tenko!" Himiko called for Tenko. "What wrong Himiko? Is there a degenerate male I need to deal with?" Tenko asks. Himiko replied with a "No" and took Tenko's hand and led her to her room. "Tadaaa~," Himiko says. Her room had a pillow fort. The blankets being held up with some chairs and pillows overlaying the chairs and some of the blankets. Inside of the fort were some movies and snacks. "What movie do you want to watch?" Himiko asks holding up 3 movie tales/CDs. "Hm how about (movie cause idk I only remember watching Star Wars and Chipreck although I had like 3 whole boxes of movie tapes and CDs 😌)  "Hm how about (movie)?" Tenko asks.

-After they finished watching the movie-

Tenko was there singing Himiko to sleep. "I love you Himiko," Tenko says. She thought Himiko was asleep. Keyword thought. "I love you too" Himiko replied tiredly. Tenko was a blushing mess. Cause she just confessed (not like it wasn't very obvious) to her crush while thinking she was asleep. "Let's go to bed I'm tired," Himiko says pulling Tenko on the bed. Tenko just laid there. Her chin onto Himiko's head. Himiko was fast asleep but Tenko was not so tired. Tenko just kept overthinking about if they were now dating and other things. Before going to sleep she said "I'll protect you Himiko even if it means me dying" then kissed her forehead before dosing off

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