Hiyoko x Mahiru (Soapies)

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I'm sad rn haha so enjoy!
Words: 230
AU: Non-despair
Mahiru could hear crying coming from one of the rooms. It came from Hiyoko's room. "Hiyoko are you in here?" Mahiru asks. To which the crying tried to get stop and then the door opened. "Hm, what's wrong Mahiru?" Hiyoko asks. It looked very clear that she had been crying. "Why were you crying?" Mahiru asked the petite girl. "W-What do you mean? I haven't been crying at all today!" Hiyoko answers Mahiru. 'Dammit, I stuttered' Hiyoko thought to herself. Mahiru didn't say anything but just hugged her while rubbing the back of Hiyoko's head. "You can tell me what's wrong," Mahiru says to which Hiyoko just started crying as a response. "I-I have a-a new dance I'm supposed to learn by t-tomorrow. B-but it's s-super hard to learn! We h-have to memorize about 6,537 (correct me if wrong cause I'm Chinese-American so I don't know) m-moves" Hiyoko stuttered out still sobbing. "It's alright. I'll help you memorize it if that's okay with you." Mahiru said. Those words helped Hiyoko but she still was a little hopeless for this. But not as much as she was earlier. "T-thank you," Hiyoko says. "It's what couples do right? As a couple we have to help each other" Mahiru replied with

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