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I wanted this chapter to be multi-ship thingy but no so a little off but alright
Words: 179
Non-despair AU
"K-Kyoko?" Makoto asks. Shocked by the scene in front of him. Kyoko was crying. Kyoko seeing him noticed that he saw her crying and tried to cover it up. "Hm? What's wrong Makoto?" Kyoko asks as if she wasn't just crying a few seconds ago. "Why were you crying? If you need someone to talk to. I'm always here" Makoto answers her question with a question. "W-well if you insist. My father he w-was." Kyoko said not finishing her sentence. "It's alright take your time" Makoto assured her that it was okay. "He was found d-dead" Kyoko finished her sentence. Makoto was shocked more than ever. He knew that Kyoko and her father has connected ties a month ago they were very very close. "I-I'm sorry," Makoto said before hugging her. "It's not your fault Makoto," Kyoko said. "How about we bring justice to the killer?" Makoto suggested. Kyoko simply nodded

Danganronpa ship fanfic! Finished (?)Where stories live. Discover now