Makoto x Kyoko

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I wanna start writing a songfic but never found a good song for it helppppp
Words: 1658
AU: Non-despair.
Picture credit: sofihtf on deviantart art (sorry if the photo isn't there sometimes the media doesn't load and sometimes I delete the photo after using it so I would not be able to get it again cause my resource is from Google. I just search up (ship) on devaintart so yeah)
Video credit: Choisun
Video link:
___________________________________ "I just want to say thank you guys so much for coming here! As a thank you from me. I'll be answering questions. Of course, it will be recorded by my best friend. Makoto Naegi! Three small stores to my left." The bluenette (?) says. Quite energetic. She just sang for 3 hours straight why isn't her voice cracking up? That's the mystery. "Before that, we'll be taking a 30-minute break. Unless we want her to lose her voice that is" the purplenette (?) says to the crowd. The crowd was disappointed but understood the pop star had to take breaks every once and a while

"Thank you so much, Kyoko! I think I was about to lose my voice" The bluenette thanked the purple-haired girl name, Kyoko. "It's nothing Sayaka-san also you should stop talking. Your voice is going to die down more!" Kyoko says. The funny part they were fighting about who gets to date Makoto. Sayaka lost interest in the boy after a while. So it was all good! Silence filled the room. Breathing was the most they could hear. Aside from the crowd making some noise. It was peaceful. "Boss here is some water. A fan suggested drinking some water cause it'll help your voice. Also, may I speak to Ms. Kirigiri? I need to talk to her about something" Makoto breaks the silence.

Yep, that was right. Sayaka is Makoto and Kyoko's boss. Makoto is a cameraman and a person who informs about the crowd and if a fan wants to say something to Sayaka without saying it they would tell Makoto and he'll tell Sayaka. Kyoko on the other hand is Sayaka's assistant. She plans everything out. She is almost like the second boss to Makoto? But yes Kyoko is still an infamous detective but works part-time for Sayaka. Makoto is doing this full-time with a part-time job selling balloons.

Life was almost perfect.

-After the show-
"Thank you guys so much! Since you guys don't get many breaks cause of your guy's job why don't I give you guys a break? You guys can go cuddle and get some rest or go to a fancy restaurant for a date. 2-week break to go along with it. If you guys want to longer or more often breaks I'll see what I can do. Now, why don't you guys have some fun and spend time with each other?" Makoto and Kyoko were shocked by the words that came out of the bluenette's mouth. A 2-week break?

Starting week. Day 1
Kyoko decided to cook some food with Makoto. They learned only 2 recipes though. After that they got some food and ginger watched some shows. Both cuddling. Kisses now and then. Mostly small pecks on the cheek. After a while, they fell asleep. They didn't know what to with this break. They never really got that long of a break. They mostly get 6 or 7-day breaks.

Continuing week 1. Now starting day 2
They went to the karaoke and sang to their heart's content. Although Kyoko was more of sitting and watching rather than sing. She would chime in to hum a tune or do a higher pitch voice for Makoto. Cause he probably can't do that high of a pitch. They then went to go to a cafe. They have to eat something or they would probably not have as much energy for the day.
-Dialogue scene- (because the days won't have dialogue so these will appear. Mostly only having dialogue)
Mahiru: "Welcome! Separate photos or photos together?"
Kyoko: "If not too much to ask but both?"
Mahiru: "Yeah we can do that! Separate photos first or photos together first?"
Mahiru: "Alright please stand over there"
The redhead points to a set to which they went to
Mahiru: "Alright say cheese!"
Makoto: "Cheese!"
Kyoko: "Cheese?"
Mahiru: "Alright now for separate photos. For separate photos we'll have two different sets with two different photographers, if you guys don't mind"
-End of dialogue scene-

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