Kuzusouda (Fuyuhiko x Kazuichi)

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First requested thing :D
Type - Fluff
Words - 254
Prompt - Picnic theme
A/N: Kazuichi and Fuyuhiko are dating but no one knows yet (except Sonia sorry wasn't really planning out but Peko also know!) and maybe this is OOC. Peko and Ibuki are dating (to kinda make this work) Also, sorry this is quite short
Kazuichi was setting up a picnic. With Sonia helping. Which was weird cause Sonia would never do this with Kazuichi. Maybe something happened? "There! We're finished." Sonia says proudly of the picnic things she and Kazuichi settled up. "Do you think he is gonna like it?" Kazuichi asks. "Well, you're dating him but I believe so!" Sonia said. Kazuichi just nervously laughed. With that they said their goodbyes and left

-Time skip Fuyuhiko is now there-
"Oi, what's this?" Fuyuhiko asks. "It's a picnic!" Kazuichi answers scared that his boyfriend may not like it. Just to be pecked on the lips. Fuyuhiko just looked away. Despite being in a relationship they're still quite flustered doing those things.

-Time skip after they finished-
-Another skip Kazuichi is with Sonia-
"So Kazuichi how did it go?" Sonia asks. "It went well, Miss Sonia!" Kazuichi says happily. "You know you don't need to say Miss right? You can just call me Sonia" Sonia says. Kazuichi just nodded

-With Fuyuhiko-
"So, young master how did it go?" Peko asks. "It went great" Fuyuhiko answers. "How about your date?" Fuyuhiko asks. "It went fine. Ibuki was making quite the trouble though" Peko answers.

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