Nursery Rhymes/Kaemaki(Kaede x Maki)

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Yes 👇
(Ft: Mahiru)
Ship: Kaemaki/Nursing Rhymes (Kaede x Maki)
Type: fluff (like most of the time)
Prompt: FAMILY PHOTO! (Same as last chapter kind free-styling this)
Words: 466
Picture credit: kokkurix on Deviantart
Video credit: fizzysouda
Video link:
AU: non-despair and they are aged up and are now probably 28? (Idk you can change it if you want but for the sake of this story Maki is 29 and Kaede is 28 it won't be very important tho but it's just a thing cause they are teenagers and if they have kids as teenager age then teen pregnancy and I don't think that's a really good thing. It's fine if you are a teen mom but I wouldn't think Maki would like the idea of doing it as a teen. I'm not explaining this well so sorry if you don't understand)
___________________________________"Maki!-" before allowing a certain blondie to finish Maki just gave her a kiss to shut her up. Cause Kaede kept annoying Maki to take a family photo with their kids. "That finally shut you up," Maki said.

-Akiko's POV-
"Mommy and mom are being loud again" my brother Aoki said. *pat pat* "It's gonna be fine. What are they being loud about again?" I asked Yuki. (WHY DOES THE "." AUTO-CORRECT TO "?") (Also Aoki is 6. Akiko is 12 and Yuki is 9. Also when they say mommy they are talking about Kaede. Mom is Maki. It feels so weird talking about the names the child would call them to me) "Mom wants to take a family photo with all of us but mom won't agree." I see. I see. "Well wanna go here some food?"

-Second POV-
Akiko asks but for an answer, Yuki responds with "But they're in the kitchen fighting about that dumb topic. We're too young to drive a car or even walk to a fast food place cause we don't have money." "Well, what else do we do?" Aoki asks. To the children's surprise, the yelling stopped? So like the curious children they are. They went to go see what made them stop. "Kids get ready we're going to take a family photo. Maybe even go to a cafe or restaurant or a store while we're at it!"

-Maki's POV-
Ugh, why did I even agree on this?

-To the photoshoot thingy place- (Never been to a photoshoot place thingy so yeah)

"Family photoshoot? Children photoshoot? Parent photoshoot?" The red-haired photographer asks. I recognize her. Isn't she Mahiru Koizume? "MAHIRU!!!!" Kaede screamed and went to hug her. Do they know each other? "Ah, Kaede. Nice to see you are here again" again? Again? Again?

Part 2?

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