Study buddies~ Irumatsu (Miu x Kaede)

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Ship(s): Irumatsu (Miu x Kaede)
Prompt: Study buddies!
Video credit: AMSR Bakery
Video link: 426
Picture credit: Me
Non-despair AU and college AU
I did this and when I tried leaving it as a draft to go do something else it said there was trouble saving it and I just gave up and refreshed the app when going back here it get erased >:( only the basic info stayed so yeah this is modified
"Baka-matsu!" Miu yells. "Hm, what's wrong sugar?" Kaede asks. "Can you help me please?" Miu asks. "Well, what don't you understand?" Kaede answers with a question. "Why is this so hard!???" Miu asks. To which Kaede just patted her head and start rubbing her back and then sighed. "Well, how about we do whatever you want after we're done? Just don't complain" Kaede questions. "Alright then!"

Rain then started to pour. That ruined Miu's plan on going out to go get bunny apples. The rain starting soft them getting harder and harder. The sky turned grey. It looked like there was gonna be a thunderstorm which might lead to a power outage

-After finishing the English homework-

Now it was time to do their science homework. The thunderstorm being louder each time another lightning struck. "Mwah?? Why are there so many words on this 10-page book!?" Miu whined again. "Baby we'll get through it together don't worry," Kaede said trying to reassure her and it worked. They each read 5-pages each. Helping each other with things they don't understand. I mean it was a group project. Coincidentally they got each other as partners so they could work and it wouldn't be cheating.

-After they finished the science homework-

"Finally!" Miu yells standing up and started stretching. Coincidentally when she said that there was a power outage. "Aw man," Kaede says disappointed, and pulled out her phone's flashlight for a light source. "Eek!" Miu says. "Well, this ruined a lot of plans," Kaede says as she sighs. "How about we cuddle and maybe if I can find my piano and be able to play it. For the rest of the power outage then do what you want to do?" Kaede says planning out about everything. "Haha! You're so smart, sweetheart!" Miu says clinging onto Kaede. "Not calling me Baka-matsu anymore?" Kaede questions. "S-shut up" Miu says putting her face in the crook of Kaede's neck. And so that's what they did Kaede played a few songs while Miu just clung onto her

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