"What if [_______]" | Multiships

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I've been planning to do one of these multi-ships but deleted the drafts
Song (best played while reading for fun not needed but I suggest it! It just makes it fun): Tsumugi1 Kinnie playlist by Kory Souda (not added above sorry)
AU: non-despair AU
Note: I don't know what ships I'm focusing on so it's just a mess keep that in mind!
Word: 389
"What if we went to an anime world?" Tsumugi asks. She wanted to be in an anime. "Well, we can try asking Miu to make a virtual world for us!" Kaede suggested

"Amazing idea Kaede!" Tsumugi said before attacking Kaede into a very tight hug to which Kaede just patted her head. As if planned Miu and Kokichi walked in. Saying sorry to each other. A quite rare site. Well, the only reason they would say sorry is if Kirumi or anyone else forced them. "There there. Now hug" Kirumi said so Kokichi and Miu hugged. "See not that hard," Kirumi said the two. "Oh, hey Miu! Come over here we need your help!" Kaede called out for Miu

"Alright then Baka-Matsu!" Miu yelled and got hit on the head. "So what's the problem?" Miu asks. "Can you make a virtual anime world?" Tsumugi asks. "Can I? REALLY of course I can!" Miu yelled. "Thank you so much, Miu!" Kaede thanked Miu and hugged her. "But babyyyyyy!" They heard Kokichi say to Himiko. "What's wrong with them?" Rantaro came up and ask the three. "I don't know. Let's go ask them!" Kaede answers Rantaro

"You can do that I'm going to Tenko," Rantaro said before going to find Tenko (I don't know why I added some Rantaro x Tenko I find it weird. I also wanted it with a Rantaro x K1-B0 🤷‍♀️) Kaede went up to them by herself since Tsumugi and Miu disagreed to go. "What's wrong?" Kaede asks. "Oh, hello Kaede. It's nothing" Himiko answers. "Then why as Kokichi shouting?" Kaede asks. "We were planning a date. He wanted to go to the circus but I wanted to go to the beach" Himiko answers (OOC?) "Oh, I see. Well, hope you guys solve that one bye then!" Kaede says her goodbyes

How was it? I hope it turns out good but idk its up to standards

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