Cafe/Restauruant date scenarios DR1/THH part 1

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UPDATE this only has Leon x Sayaka for now I have been stuck and probably can't post until I got past that part so for now it's just Leon x Sayaka so maybe ignore some things (the place where I explained some thing) that are below me
This will include the ships that I am aware of
So like I guess rare-pairs won't be in here (No killing game crossing/ I won't ship characters that are in a different killing game and they never meant example - Chiaki x Kiibo)
Junko and Mikan will be in here but Junko doesn't like despair so basically Mukuro and Junko swaps role. I just wanted to do something for the Junko x Mikan shippers but still don't like the ship
Also, take note that I have only ever been to restaurants (mostly the same one) and never been to a cafe so not a cafe feel.
Also this is just the first game if you want a part 2 or maybe more then tell me in the comments
Sayaka x Leon
Who asked - Sayaka
Sayaka ran up to Leon and try hugged him. "What's the occasion?" Leon asked the blue-hair female hugging him. "Well. There's this new cafe that opened up and I was wondering-" before finishing her question the red(?)-haired male interrupted her with a "And you want to go there with me? As a date" and Sayaka kept nodding her head.
Upon arrival, the waiter/waitress (A/N when I say waiter/waitress you guys can choose cause why not. I'm gonna use waiter/waitress later on in this story so y'all can choose when I put that) "Welcome to (Restaurant name cause I'm not gonna research things). We're very happy that you chose to dine with us! My name is (idk any names that would imply gender-neutral things for waiter/waitress so again you guys can choose). How many people are at your party? (If you guys don't know but in some places, they will ask how many people are in your party or how many people Are gonna dine basically.) "Just two sir/miss" Leon responded. Then heard a ding (or idk) that was Sayaka's manager calling her. "I have to pick this up to go without me it won't take that long" then Sayaka just went out. Turns out Sayaka just hit 41 (or some other number. 4 is my fav number and I thought of 71 but that seems too much) million sold copies of her new song called (we never knew her song names so again y'all choose again. Sorry for making y'all chose a lot of things) "Bb I got some news!" Sayaka excitedly told Leon which he only replied with a simple "And that is?". (Not that simple but eh) " I got 41 million sold copies of (song name) well maybe over 41 million as we speak!"
They celebrated this by having all of Sayaka's fav snack, food, and drinks.
Honestly pretty lazy

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