Saiouma (Also Tenmiko and Kaimaki)

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Video credit: Mel.the.lunatic
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Picture credit: mewmik on Devaintart
I know Saiouma is a very popular ship and I know if this book gets more reads someone is gonna request it so why not?
Words: 561
AU: Some things happen differently (like only 2 which will be in the text)
Time (cause it's somewhat? Important to the story): After the death game and the world is back to normal (after all the animes since the timeline would be Despair Arc Danganronpa 1 then SDR2 then DRV3 then Future arc and lastly Hope Arc if I'm correct)
Type: angst????
Shuichi right now was standing in front of a grave

"Huh, Ouma why did you want to meet outside of the school? Especially after the nighttime announcement." Shuichi says. Panting a lot because he has just finished his training with Maki and Kaito (idk I could be wrong but I think I'm right?) "Well I like you Shumai!" Kokichi says as he hugged Shuichi tightly. "I-I like you too Ouma-Kun" that Kokichi kissed Shuichi on the cheek. "Well see you late Shumai!" Little did they know that it was the last Shuichi was gonna see Kokichi

-End of flashback-
"It's okay Shuichi. He is still in your heart. Just like Kaito is in Maki's heart and Tenko in mine" Himiko says trying to cheer Shuichi up. It's been a month after the whole tragedy and killing game. Turns out they were not fake but they were in a simulation. It's been sadder for Shuichi since he lost two very close people to him. "H-Hey how about we try an ouija board?" Maki says. She also wanted to contact Kaito but at the same time, she wanted Himiko and Shuichi to meet the people they loved again. "That sounds like a great idea Maki!" Himiko says. Shuichi just nods not feeling up to talking.

-At their house- (And they were roommates please get the reference)
"So who wants to g-go first?" Shuichi asks. Both Himiko and Maki said, "How about you go first?" At the same time.
-Their convo cause I'm not writing the whole step by step if you don't know search YT-
Shuchi and Kokichi
Shuichi: "Are there any ghosts here?"
Kokichi: "Shumai!"
Shuichi: "K-Kokichi? *tears up* is it really you?"
Kokichi: "yes"
Shuichi: "I-I missed you s-so much. Why did you have to l-leave me?"
Kokichi: "I'm sorry"
Shuichi: "It's fine honey"
Shuichi and Kaede
Kaede: "Shuichi?!"
Shuichi: "Yep it's me Akamatsu-San. I-I'm sorry for accusing you and then you got killed its all because of me!"
Kaede: "Shuichi. I'm sorry I made you feel this way I shouldn't have even tried killing anybody"
Shuichi: "No it's fine you were the most confident out of everyone you made me change into who I am thank you"
Himiko and Tenko
Himiko: "T-Tenko? Tell me you're there please!"
Tenko: "Himiko!"
Himiko: "I-I wish I could hug you right now"
Tenko: "sweet pea please don't be sad right now. I'm always there in your heart"
Himiko: "T-Thank you Tenko"
Tenko: "It's my honor. I love being with you"
Maki and Kaito
Maki: "Hey Kaito"
Kaito: "Hey Maki-Roll! What's wrong? you seem off"
Maki: "I-I just miss you dummy"
Kaito: 'Love you too Maki"

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