Komahina (Ship of the week)

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Komahina - Nagito Komaede x Hajime Hinata
Why is Komahina their ship name? Take the last name so Komaede and Hinata and take the first four-letter and put them together
(Koma)ede and (Hina)ta
I've got inspired by a lot of people where they would put a word and put the meaning or just a word and I wanted to put a definition. Or why the Nagito x Hajime ship is called Komahina
AU - Kindergarten crossover with SDR2 and Chiaki is an AI. Also high school AU for kindergarten.
Spoilers for Kindergarten and Danganronpa. Not much for Kindergarten same for Danganronpa as well :)
Cause mentions of the death from both fandom
How many word I try to make this - 1,000+
Not requested
Art credit - qosic on Devianart
Art ship - Mahiru x Hiyoko
Video credit - Kory Souda
Video - Playlist for Nagito Komaede Kinnies

-Kid/protag's POV-
(A/N the fandom does have some names for the kid so I'm just gonna call him Adam)
New kids huh? Wonder what they are like. Are those them? "Adam are you okay? You seem to be staring at the new kids. Also, want to join Nugget and me? We're just talking about hosting a party today." Lilly asked me. "Sure. After I go meet the new kids though" after giving my response she just waves goodbye and goes back to talking with Nugget.

"Hey! You guys are the new kids, right?" I mean I know they are the new kids but still. "Oh, how ho-" the white-haired dude said before this spiky brown hair guy covered his mouth. I wonder what he was gonna say but I assume it was a bad cause why else would he do that? "Sorry about him. He's Nagito Komaede the Ultimate Lucky Student. I'm Hajime Hinata. But about my Ultimate Talent I. I forgot it" The brunette (Hope I got the color right) explained. "What's an Ultimate Talent?" Why does he seem shocked that I don't know what an Ultimate Talent is? Is it just that important? "*sigh* right you don't know" I don't know? Is it cause we're in high school orrr?

-Hajime's POV-
Right, Monokuma told us about this. This is another world they don't know what an Ultimate Talent is. I can just call myself the Ultimate stupid. I shouldn't be too hard on myself though. Cause Nagito would say different. "Hey, Nagito can you go check up on Chiaki? I heard Chihiro was" before finishing I inhaled and whisper "he was trying a new program on Chiaki and since Monokuma did this to us halfway through his working. It might have failed and Chiaki might be doing something weird or just off". "Okay Hajime. I'm getting weird vibes by the dude, so be careful why don't you?" Nagito warned. I mean if Nagito says so I guess so. It might lead to good luck or bad luck. I'll gamble it. (A/N I'm listening to Kirumi Kinnie song playlist (+ other kins) idk just wanted to say that.) (Also they the class split up when Adam was talking to Lilly)
-Time skip class time-
That must be the bell. Let's see class 3-B (idk)
-Ms. Chisa's POV-
"Welcome class!" I hope my students can forgive me. This is a new world, a new start. Surely they will. "Is this class still gonna work like in Hope Peak's or?" Sonia asks. "Good question. Monokuma never said anything about it but-" before I could finish Hiyoko steps in and says something "You're still gonna rile us up and teach us anyway!" I mean she's not wrong.
-Bud's POV-
While slamming the test on the desk I explained "This is the test you have two days to finish."
-Hiyoko's POV-
what the HECK. "TODAY IS OUR FIRST DAY HERE. THIS SCHOOL IS WORSE THAN HOPES PEAK!" "E-eek H-hiyoko please calm down" Sorry Mikan. Wait what am I saying? I shouldn't be saying sorry. Maybe I was too hard on here. "Fine! Sorry" mumbling sorry. Mahiru seemed to hear me cause she whispers to me "Hey you apologized. You're learning!" She also gives me head pats! "Hey, where are Hajime and Nagito?"
-Nagito's POV-
We broke off the kiss well I did. "Is something wrong Nagito?" Hajime asked. "Nothing but shouldn't we get going to class?". "But isn't this gonna be like Hopes Peak? Classes aren't mandatory." Hajime's right. "What are you guys doing here?" Adam asks (A/N everyone introduced themselves to everyone) "N-nothing! Hajime let's get to class now. I'm sure this isn't like Hopes Peak." "Monokuma never said maybe it is?" Hajime tried changing my mind, but I already made up my mind. "What is Hopes Peak?" Adam asks. Right he doesn't know about it. We should've talked in private maybe in the classroom. *sigh*

I've seen some writers put most A/N at the bottom and the end
But I put them in the text and on top of the chapter
I'm so sorry there were barely any komahina I just want to get this finished. And sorry if you don't ship Mahiru x Hiyoko
Like you ship Mahiru x Sato
And Hiyoko x Mikan (I don't ship Hiyoko x Mikan I think it's toxic but I want Hiyoko to have some character development cause she is so underrated and a wrongly hated character. Like Kokichi is such an overrated character for what? Kokichi has a darker backstory than Hiyoko yes but they both went through abuse and that went to them being mean. I didn't get to how much I wanted my word count to be sorry :(
Words - 944

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