A sweet but bitter return|Soapies (Mahiru x Hiyoko)

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Type: Fluff(?) (A/N now that I'm with this story it's somewhat angsty)
Prompt: I have no idea what to do
Ship: Soapies (Mahiru x Hiyoko/Hiyoko x Mahiru)
Words: 529
A/N: Writing style changed a bit (maybe a lot idk I didn't plan much out) so yeah. It's like free-styling I just first make the start of this then plan it out on the way!
Title (if you can't see it): A sweet but bitter return|Soapies (Mahiru x Hiyoko)

"Huh? Where am I?" The petite girl asks. There before her, a 165 cm red hair girl stops before her. "M-MAHIRU!" The blonde petite girl yelled before sobbing. Running towards the red girl but to her surprise, the taller girl pushed her away. How much despair would you feel if you're best friend just pushed you away?

Like you're just someone they used. For reputation? Maybe to make someone jealous. The possibility is endless. "H-huh?" The short blonde hair girl's sutured out. Before the blonde girl being able to speak the dark red-haired girl spoke very clearly. "You worm just go back into hiding yeah? You always need to rely on someone. Even if you learn you can never do it. What are you worth anyway? Just go die! Wait didn't that purplenette (is that even a word?) girl kill you? She did a better job than you. What was her name again? Mikan Tsumiki if I'm correct"

The blonde sobbed as her (ex) friend bullies her into a corner. She never felt weaker before. Maybe the redhead was right. Maybe there isn't any hope for the petite girl. "MAHIRU STOP IT!" The petite girl yelled. Before waking up? "H-Hiyoko! Are you alright?" The redhead asked the blondie while wiping some tears off of her face.

"It's alright. It was probably really bad, right?" The red-haired girl asked. "Huh?" Was all Hiyoko could've to get out of her mouth. "Right. We're back in the real world. But it didn't work correctly and everyone had nightmares (taken from that special episode of Nagito it seemed like it was a nightmare before waking up. I believe that's right or I'm remembering wrong)

"Mines was you bullying me. Even Sato. You've changed so much to the point you even shot Sonia!" Mahiru said while her eyes started watering. "M-Mahiru and Hiyoko we need to get going. We need to run some tests on you to m-make sure y-you guys are okay" Mikan stuttered. "Yeah in a sec Mikan." With that Mikan left without saying a word. She knew that Hiyoko probably went through something similar to Mahiru's nightmare so she wanted them to catch up and make sure they are alright. (Like allowing them to comfort each other so sorry if you don't understand what I'm saying)

"So what was your nightmare?" The redhead girl asks. Hiyoko replied saying, "Y-you were mocking me. Saying such b-bad stuff!" Her eyes also watering. "I see. Well, the real Mahiru is here. And she won't ever in her life mock you" the words that left the redhead's mouth really insured Hiyoko.

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