Hinananami (Hajime x Chiaki)

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So while reading some other Wattpad book it talked about the Hanahaki disease so I wanna make something about it
Hanahaki disease (It's not real fyi also correct me if my info is wrong): Hanahaki disease is a disease where if a person is in one-sided love they will start coughing up flowers. It keeps getting worse and worse. The only way to cure it is either to have your crush like you back. Although you can try having surgery to get rid of it but feel for that person will be removed as well. (Idk if both person can like each other and have it but I'm just gonna say the answer is yes cause google says nothing about it)
Type: Fluff (But I guess you can say some-what angsty)
Words: 426
Picture credit: Kairo2018 on Devaintart
Video credit: Tamara
Video link: https://youtu.be/NTMzsiE_2Dk
Flowers scattered the dirty pink (?)hair-colored girl meanwhile in a brunette's bathroom the same is happening. Flowers we're in their lungs. Breathing was harder to do. It's not long until their death. If they don't get rid of it until that time that is. The coughing got more violent throughout the days. Blood started to appear. They bother talked to Nagito about it. To the point it was just ranting

Although Nagito was fine with it

-Nagito's POV-
Alright, today is the day. "Hey, Chiaki. I have something to say" Don't screw this up Nagito. "Hm? *cough cough*" It's getting even worse. "Tell Hajime how you feel or you might just die!" Crap how do I say that Hajime likes her as well? Without that info, she just might not do it. "A-alright *cough cough cough*" it's getting even worse than I imagined.

-Chiaki's POV-
Okay, now I just have to wait for Hajime to get here. "Chiaki? Why did you want to meet me here?" Hajime asks? "I-I Like y-you. The h-hanahaki disease will be the death of me if" I couldn't even finish my sentence. "I-I like you too" wait what. I can't feel the flowers (?) Anymore this is like a dream.

-Second(?) POV-
Hajime couldn't feel the flowers in his throat(?) Neither could Chiaki. It's like a happy ending. Maybe too happy. Hajime then presses his lips on Chiaki. As a sign of love. That's what lovers do right? In the end, they loved each other. That's a thing they now know. But a thing they didn't know was that a certain brownish(?) White hair male was watching.

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