y/n and akaashi take the same subway to school, where they first met.
1 in #akaashikeiji
30 in #xreader
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you walked down the hall next to akaashi as you talked about causal stuff. you stopped next to your class and thanked him before he chuckled and raised a brow.
"[l/n], you do know were in the same class right?" you felt your face turn bright red and you looked at him in shock. "w-wait what? i never saw you." he thought before speaking. "might be because i sit in the front. you sit at the very back." you agreed before fanning your face and walking in.
immediately, you got tackled by a slightly taller girl. harumi shoved your face into her chest as she cried. "what the hell [y/n]! do you know how worried i was!" she smacked you upside the head and you winced before she pulled you into a hug. "but i'm glad your okay. and your lucky that pretty boy carried you."
"wait wha-" you were cut off by the teacher walking in.
"alright class, settle down and take out your books."
[ after school ]
"so wait, what did you mean earlier." harumi looked at you confused before remembering your short conversation from earlier."
"oh right! after you passed out that pretty vice captain guy carried you all the way to the infirmary since bokuto was crying and apologising the whole time." your face turned slightly red but you shook it off as you saw the boys team approach you by the gates.
bokuto and akaashi joined you and harumi and the two teams set off for town.
"so bokuto, we split it in half? you treat the girls i treat the boys?" he looked at you for a second before grinning and nodding. "sounds fine to me!"
you chatted and laughed until you reached a small shop and you all split up to go and pick something.
you stopped in front of the drink fridge and opened it, picking out a water bottle. "you know, i can pay if you want?" you looked at akaashi that was holding a drink and you met his eyes, shaking your head.
"no honestly, it's fine. a deals a deal so i'll pay for you guys. i really don't mind." he nodded "thanks [l/n]. that's really nice of you." you felt your cheeks hearing up a little so you nodded while turning around and walking away.
"yeah, of course. but come on, let's go gather the teams."
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