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you parked your car a couple metres away from the entrance of the loud music and bright colourful lights

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you parked your car a couple metres away from the entrance of the loud music and bright colourful lights.

turning off the engine, you got out of the car to be greeted by the warm air. "i never knew you had a car, never mind you being able to even drive one." you chuckled at him and locked the doors as you began making your way to the festival.

"well my moms a very busy business women and is usually away for work. sometimes even out of the country and for weeks at a time so for my 16th birthday she got me a car so that i could be more independent i guess." you saw akaashi look at you from the corner of your eye.

you turned to him and smiled. "but, don't you get lonely? i mean your house is pretty big, especially for one person." your laughter rang out the open air. "nah, it's fine. it's kinda nice to have a house to yourself. plus, bokuto basically comes over every day and i always hang out with the team.. well and you of course." you smiled

he nodded as you two got closer. the back of your hands brushing as you walked. "well.. you uhm.. could always come to mine if you do feel lonely. that's only if you want to of course." his face erupted into a blush again.

without thinking you grasped his hand once it brushed agains yours again and you grinned as he looked away.

"thanks keiji. that's really nice of you."

"hey akaashi, y/n! over here!" you looked up to see kōtarō and harumi waving and shouting at you like crazy people. you sprinted to haru and tackled her, covering her mouth. "stop being so loud!" "but your the one screaming!" "you get what i mean!"

the two of you bickered as the boys talked.

bokuto kept squinting at akaashi and boy raised a brow. "what is it." bokuto shook his head. "nothing, nothing." another silence took over and he looked at him again.

"so when you gonna tell her" akaashi jumped as bokuto was now right next to his ear, his breath fanning the side of his face. "jesu- don't do that you idiot. and tell what to who." he rolled his eyes. "y/n that you like her. duh."

akaashi looked at him with wide eyes. "i-i don't know." "well you better do it today, we're all getting tired of waiting."

"okay, is this about me or you now." bokuto giggled like a girl. "look, i have a good idea-" akaashis hand slapped over his mouth. "they're coming."

"hey guysss! whatcha talkin about?" the boys mumbled some random stuff and you giggled. "okay well how about we try some of the food here? i haven't eaten since breakfast." you began getting scolded by the three as they dragged you to different food stands.

by the time you had your arms full of random delicious food, the two "children" had ran off to play some games at the different stands.

"how about we sit over there." akaashi took some of your food that was almost falling out of you arms and walked towards a table that was towards the end of all the stands.

you sat across from him and wasted no time digging into the delicious mouth watering food. "hah gayhum vis is gwood." akaasi chuckled at your unclear speech, cheeks stuffed with food

your head snapped up when you heard a click of a camera. the boy was holding his phone up, a big grin on his face as your face flared up from embarrassment.

you quickly swallowed your food and scowled. "keijiii, if your going to take a picture of me take a good one." he shook his head, stuffing his phone back into his pocket. "you looked cute."

after eating the food, you threw away your trash and looked at the time on your phone. "hmm. we still have half an hour till the fireworks." akaashi came up next to you and gently grabbed your hand, beginning to pull you through the crowd.

"let's go to one of the game stalls." akaashis hand was big, with the warmth radiating off it brining you comfort. he actually had very very attractive hands. veiny and very s- "y/n? you okay?" your head looked up at the male.

"you were staring at my hand. you uhm- want me to let g-" you frantically waved your other hand around, face red. "n-no! i mean, i was just thinking. oh hey look at this!" you tried to change the conversation as you looked past him to a stall.

"shoot the can?" he read off the banner attached to the top. the game was very classical and something you have seen at almost every festival.

the person at the stall looked at the two of you with a big grin. "all you have to do is try to knock over the can with a water gun! would the lady like to try?"

you nodded and pulled out your wallet to pull out the coins for the game. "thannnk you, kind sir!" you growled at the chuckling akaashi as he handed over the money but still thanked him.

"now, watch and learn."


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