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[ tuesday ]

this morning you woke up feeling the best you have felt for the first time in weeks

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this morning you woke up feeling the best you have felt for the first time in weeks. you finally got a full nights sleep after talking and apologising to akaashi yesterday. while the bags under your eyes were not completely gone, they looked much better and with a little concealer you would look just fine.

you did your normal routine as usual but this time, instead of taking your bag full of volleyball clothes, you were taking a bag full of makeup and clothes along which included your maid outfit.

you unplugged your phone and shoved it into your pocket before walking downstairs and making yourself some breakfast.

you took your car keys off the hook next to the door before stopping to think. you put them back and slipped on a random coat without looking along with your shoes and made your way out the door.

after a short five minute walk you made it to the subway. the lights around the station lit up the place as it was still early in the morning.

you bought your ticket and made your way in, sitting in your usual seat at the end of the compartment.

you hugged the coat that was covering you, trying to warm up from the cold that was biting at your skin. you really wished you were still in your bed, the abnormal amount of blankets warming you up.

you sighed before snuggling into the material.

"it looks good on you." you jumped and your eyes shot open when they landed on akaashi who just entered the train and was sitting down next to you.

you huffed and looked away. "stop scaring me like that." he chuckled. "sorry. i didn't mean to. but really, it does look good." your eyes showed confusion before you looked down to see that you were wearing akaashi's volleyball jacket.

the coat that you picked in a hurry was akaashi's. your face erupted into a deep crimson. "i-i was in a hurry." akaashi looked at you with a small smirk. "yeah, yeah of course."

your short trip began and you two made small talk about what was going on. time flew in a blink of an eye and before you knew it you were at the station.

you both stood up and made your way out. making your way towards the school gates, your breath came out steamy from the cold and you rubbed your hands together to create some friction.

"hey, give me your hand." you looked at him before he blushed slightly and looked away. "yours look cold. my hands are warm." you nodded and he gently took your hand, sticking it into his pocket along with his.

all the way until you were in front the building, comfortable silence took over with the sun getting higher and higher. the sky becoming a soft red and orange turning into a pinkish blue.

"well, i have to get changed." he nodded. "same here, but i'll see you later? bokuto said he wants to check out our class." you chuckled and gently pulled your hand out of akaashis pocket, immediately missing the warmth. akaashis face displayed a small frown before you nudged him with your shoulder.

"yeah of course. bye akaash-" "keiji." he corrected. "you used my name yesterday. i like it so keep using it." you smiled and nodded before separating. "see you later keiji."


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