Chapter 1

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"Sorry you all had to come in so early" Hotch spoke in a quiet but stern tone, looking at his team.

"What happened?" Morgan looked over to Garcia. Garcia picked up her little remote, starting to click the buttons.

"You guys are heading back to Florida, a man was found last night and uhm..yea just look at your tablets." Garcia shook her head, clicking to the crime scene photos, but looking away.

"His neck is cut open?" Rossi spoke looking up at the team, they all looked almost disgusted, they have never seen anything like this before.

"It looks surgical, almost too perfect." Reid was looking at the photos closely, trying to examine everything.

"It's not the first body to turn up like this, the day before there was one as well." Garcia added, clicking another button to bring up more pictures to the screen. The team looking up at them, then back at the tablets.

"That's two bodies in two days, sounds serial." Alvez nodded before looking up at them

"I agree. Wheels up in 30." Hotch nodded as well before walking out of the room.

Time skip

The team was on the jet, debriefing when Garcia popped up on her little screen.

"Guys I hate to share bad news, but another body has been discovered." Garcia spoke while looking at the camera.

"This is almost as if it's a spree, where does this guy find the time?" Morgan looked up.

"Actually the coroner report says the body's have been dead for at least a week." Reid added looking down at his folder. Derek just shook his head and looked back down at his folder.

"Guys looks at their necks, are their..are their vocal cords missing..?" Prentiss spoke looking up at Reid.

"Yea they are, who needs someone's vocal cords?" Reid looks at Hotch.

"This guy is a clearly is a narcissist." Lewis nods.

"Reid and Morgan, go to the new crime scene, Prentiss and Lewis go to yesterday's, Matt, Alvez and I will go to the police department." Hotch spoke before placing his folder down.

Time skip

"How does someone just drop a body off here and not get caught?" Derek looked over at Spencer.

"I'm not sure, though look at it from here, if you have a big enough van, you could do everything from behind. The body was just thrown here, there is no remorse." Spencer stood up from being in a crouching position, looking over at Derek.

"Yea I guess." Derek nods before walking over to the body with Spencer.

"What the hell is wrong with this guy? What could possibly cause someone to do this?" Tara looked up at Emily.

"I wish I knew, this is going to be hard to profile." Emily spoke, leaning down inspecting the body.

"Hello, I'm Sheriff Smith." The sheriff walked over  to them and shook Hotch's hand.

"I'm SSA Aaron Hotchner, this is SSA Luke Alvez and SSA Matthew Simmons" Hotch shook his hand back with a small nod. "Do you have a place for us to work?"

"I do, follow me." The sheriff took them to a big conference room. By the time they were situated in the room, the rest of the team had made it to the station.

"Alright let's begin." Hotch nods.

The team spent the night starting to build up their profile, talking to Garcia in the process.

"I think we should do a press conference." Tara nodded while looking over to Hotch.

"Too bad we don't have JJ with us, I hope Henry is feeling better." Spencer added in.

"It'll be alright, Morgan could you do it?" Hotch looked over to Derek.

Derek nodded. "Yea yea alright I will." He left the room to make the calls, and set everything up.

Derek did the conference, the team kept working on their profile through the night.

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