Chapter 8

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"Hotch you're back! How is our boy? How did he take it..?" Penelope stood up looking over at him.

"He kicked me out." Hotch nodded. "Something is off with him too."

"What do you mean?" Emily looked over to him.

"He was harsh, almost pushed the table at me," Hotch sat down in a chair along side the others.

"Really? No that's not Reid." Morgan shook his head.

"He did, he didnt even look like himself." Hotch sighed a bit.

"Well we are getting him out soon, it'll be alright...right?" Garcia sat down slowly.

"I'm sure it will be." JJ nodded.

"Maybe he's being pressured by someone in there." Luke added looking over to Hotch.

"I'm not sure, he just didn't have his normal spark, he didn't even acknowledge that we missed him." Hotch sat back against his chair.

"I would say to call his mom...but shes having a really bad break, she doesn't know her own name or how to talk." Tara sighed.

"He isn't going to accept anymore visits anyway, he completely kicked me out." Hotch looked over to Tara. "He said to shut up and leave."

"I don't believe it, how is he changing so fast? Someone has to be holding something over him." Derek stood up. "We need to figure out who the hell it is."

"Derek no, we have a case." Hotch looked up at him.

"But I- fine." Derek sat back down.

Garcia started to explain the case to them and they were on their way.

"Tomorrow is the day." The girl smiled over at Reid, they were in the prison cafeteria.

"I'll need your help with a few things after it's done." Spencer nodded looking over to her.

"Oh will you now?" She spoke leaning on the table.

"Trust me, you'll love it." Spencer nodded once again standing up. "Talk to you tonight." He whispered before walking off and to his cell.

"I better." She smirked before going off to do her prison job.

The next day

The prisoners were now in the cafeteria for breakfast, Spencer and this girl sitting together as usual.

"Are you ready?" She looked up and over to Spencer.

"Definitely." Spencer nodded. "Meet you there." He stood up with a small smile.

The girl winked before going over to the bin, beside the door, to throw out the food on her plate. Now looking over at Spencer with a side glance.

Spencer was in the middle of the cafeteria and purposely ran himself into someone, starting an argument.

"Hey! Learn to walk bean pole." The guy shouted down at Spencer.

"Who's going to make me?" Spencer looked up at him, getting closer.

"Oh so you wanna be that guy huh?" The guy pushed Spencer's shoulders, causing him to fall back a bit.

Spencer got right back up in his face, making him even more mad, which led him to try and push him again.

When the guy pushed Spencer back this time, Spencer quickly took out a fork from his pocket, stabbing himself in the arm and yelling out in pain.

From the angle they were, it looked as if the guy stabbed Spencer and a ton of guards ran over to each of them.

Spencer had stabbed himself in a spot where it would bleed the most so that he could be sent to the medical person in the prison. He was keeping the show going by moving around, allowing the wound to bleed more then it should.

The guards were restraining the other guy and pulling him backwards away from Spencer.

"What the hell I didn't stab him!" He yelled trying to fight back.

"Shut up." A guard spoke grabbing out his taser.


The girl managed to sneak out of the cafeteria in the process of all the drama, she knew how to avoid the cameras and she did just that. Once she made it to her cell, she pushed her bed out of the corner.

There was a vent under her bed and she was small enough to fit through it. She slipped herself down into it, pulling the bed back over the now open vent.


Spencer was now being taken to the medical room and getting his wound fixed up.

After a while it was just Spencer and the nurse in the room, he was pretending to be passed out due to the pain, waiting for the perfect moment.

The girl had made it completely out of the vent now, it led to a room that had no cameras, but it had windows. She quietly opened the window before slipping out and off to the meet up spot.

Spencer opened one of his eyes to look around. The nurse was sitting at a desk so he took this as his opportunity.

The nurse was writing some stuff on a paper that was going to go to Hotch about Reid's injury.

Spencer sat up very slowly and very quietly before standing up. They didn't have cuffs on him since they thought he was unconscious.

He grabbed a smaller oxygen tin, sneaking up and hitting it across the back of her head.

The nurse fell to the ground now unconscious with some blood coming from the back of her head.

Spencer looked down at her for a moment, making sure she was alive, before picking her up and putting her down on the bed.

Once she was situated on the bed, Spencer snuck his way out of the room and out of the open window that was down the hall a bit.

Soon enough him and the girl met up together.

"Took you long enough." She smirked up at him.

"I had to sell it, didn't I?" Spencer looked down at her.

"I guess, how's the arm?" She grabbed it gently looking at the wrap that was placed on top of it.

"I'll be fine, I'm a doctor remember." Spencer smirked a bit. "Let's go."

"Gladly." She smiles with a nod.

The two had then snuck their way out of the prison gate once it opened for a bus, they chose the right time as there were no guards currently outside.

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