Chapter 19

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The next day

"Dammit Spencer why did we have to take him?" Cat looked over at him while driving.

"Because they are onto us, and I know she's going to worry about him." Spencer nodded.

"Are you sure this isn't one of your fever things?" Cat looked back over to the road.

"I saw your guy didn't I? I don't have one." Spencer shook his head.

"I know, I'm sorry I just don't want to get caught, yesterday was way too close." Cat once again looked over to him.

"I know, and I apologize for that, I felt awful, but it wont happen again." Spencer smiled, placing his hand on her leg gently.

Cat smiled a bit, looking back at the road. "Good."

Spencer kept the smile on his face, until he was stopped by shouting. "He's awake."

"Just knock him out again, it's a long drive." Cat nodded.

Spencer unbuckled and leaned back, moving the cover from his face.

"Spencer..please cmon man you know me.." The guy spoke out, clearly in pain.

"What does me knowing you have to do with this?" Spencer looked down at him.

"She's going to hate you.." The guy glared up at him.

Spencer sat there for a moment. "Oh well, it doesn't matter."

"I know you had feelings for her." The guy nodded.

"Like I said, it doesn't matter." Spencer turned a bit more, grabbed his head and hit it off the car door, knocking him out cold once again.

"Feelings for who?" Cat looked over at him once again, once he was sitting forward.

"I've told you." Spencer nodded.

"Oh, right." Cat nodded a bit.

"I don't anymore, you know that right?" Spencer smiled.

"Of course." Cat smiled back with a nod.

"We've got multiple words he could be spelling out." Emily pointed over to the list.

"I don't get it, some of them obviously don't make sense, but it seems like more then one does." Penelope looked over at them.

"I think he did that on purpose." Luke nodded a bit.

"No really?" Derek spoke sarcastically, then looked over at Luke.

"Shut up." Luke shook his head, they were all extremely tired, they have been up all night with already little to zero sleep.

"When is Tara coming back?" JJ looked over at Hotch.

"I'm not sure, I think shes still with Matt." Hotch nodded. "Take a break guys, I'll go call Tara."

Derek shook his head before standing up and getting closer to the bored, he wasn't giving up.

Emily, Luke, Rossi, and Garcia all put their heads down on the table, resting their eyes.

"I'm going to call Will." JJ stood up leaving the room.

Hotch left the room as well, he went over to his office and was calling Tara.

Kendall moved to the corner of the round table room, she was keeping an eye on Hotch.

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