Chapter 11

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The next day

"Hey guys sorry I needed you guys in so early again." Hotch was sitting at the round table.

"It's fine, what's up?" Morgan sat down, everyone was sitting down now as well.

"We need to look into how Spencer and Cat escaped. It's not going to be a case, we just, we need to know when it happened, and why." Hotch sat back in the chair.

"How are we going to do that? The guard had no clue for probably days at most." Emily shook her head.

"I'm not sure, but we need to know where Cat went- oh Excuse me." Hotch stood up as his phone was ringing, and left the room.

"Do you guys think we are actually going find her? She's been locked up forever now, I'm sure she planned this entire thing." JJ looked over to Emily a bit.

"I just hope Spencer's okay." Emily nodded.

"Who's next?" Cat was sitting beside Spencer on the floor.

"Seaver." Spencer nodded over to her.

"Oh I heard about her, daddy was a killer huh?" Cat smiled over to him.

"Yea, that's her." Spencer nodded. "It'll be pretty ironic." A slight smile appeared on his face.

"Someone's happy." Cat moved so she was sitting in front of him.

"I guess I'm just ready for this." Spencer looked up at her.

Cat smiled once again before putting herself in his lap to sit. "You better keep that attitude through all this."

Hotch walked into the room quick. "Guys we need to go, now."

"Yo Hotch what happened?" Morgan stood up as well as everyone else.

"It's Blake. She's been killed." Hotch spoke quick before leaving the room.

Garcia put her hands over her face with a small cry. She wasn't going to go with them, so she went off to her computer room to try and comprehend the news.

They all made it to the SUV's and went straight to Alex's house, once arrived they got out of the car and met up with a local officer.

"What happened?!" Emily shouted, she was the first to speak, she tried to keep her cool bit couldn't.

"She's been stabbed. Then she was shot." The officer said in a soft but stern tone, he knew they all used to work together.

"Any witnesses?" Tara walked up closer to the front of the group.

"None, we got the call not long before I called you. Someone noticed one of her lights had been on all night, and he car was destroyed, they walked in and saw her." The officer looked back at the house for a moment before pointing to the car.

"Tara and JJ go look at the car. Emily, Morgan and Luke go in the house. Matt and Rossi stay with me." Hotch looked back at everyone.

They split up and went where they needed to go.

Emily was the first in the house, she went over to the tarp covering the body. She took a breath before picking it up and pulling it back.

"Oh Blake.." Emily looked down at her body before looking up at Morgan.

Derek looked down at her, he shook his head. "Why the hell would someone do this to her. She's a federal agent."

"Maybe someone she put in jail before she left.." Emily looked back down at her.

Luke was bend down beside the body, yes it hurt him, but he wasn't as close to her as the others.

"Look at the cuts. What does that look like you you?" Like pushed her shirt down a bit to show them.

Emily got a bit closer to look. "It almost looks like a T"

"What would T stand for ?" Morgan crossed his arms across his chest.

"Maybe a start to a first name?" Emily stood up straight.

"Maybe? I don't know." Luke shook his head standing up after covering her body again.

"Or possibly just the weapon used." Morgan shook his head. "We are finding this ass hat."  He walked out of the house.

Emily sighs before walking out with Luke beside her.

"Anything good?" Hotch met up with them away from the officer.

"Hotch she was shot in the neck and stabbed. How would we find something good?" Derek looked over to him.

Hotch nodded a bit. "I just meant is there anything we've seen before?"

"No there wasn't." Emily shakes her head a bit. "What about the car?"

"No they didn't find anything either." Rossi shook his head.

"I even looked over it, all there are is dents and lots of rocks." Matt walked over to them alongside JJ and  Tara.

"Let's go back, we've got a new case now." Hotch said in a stern tone.

Soon enough they all made it back to the BAU.

Later that day

"Guys someones here to meet you." Hotch walked in with a girl. "This is Kendall Martinez, she's our new agent."

"Hello!" Garcia smiled a bit, they were all still shaken up about Alex, but she pushed that off as much as she could.

"Hey." Kendall smiled over to them. "So what's this case?"

"It's a friend. Plus it's only one killing, so it's not serial, but again, a friend." Emily smiled over to her.

"Oh, I understand. Well then let's get into it and find this guy." Kendall smiled with a nod.

They all started to build up a small case.

"Let's do this." Spencer nodded, the two of them sneaking into the home.

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