Chapter 15

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The suv's now pulled up to the house, the team getting out quick but so tired.

"I'm sorry you guys needed called in." Hotch spoke shaking his head.

"Who is it now?" Luke scratched his head a bit, looking over to Hotch.

"You don't know her, but It's Elle." Hotch nodded.

"What.." Derek looked at him with tired but sad eyes.

JJ looked down, closing her eyes and shaking her head.

"I didn't even think to warn her, I thought she moved away..dammit." Hotch looked up at the sky before looking back at Derek.

"Go look in the house, I'm going to talk to the police and neighbors." Hotch added before walking off.

Derek shook his head before walking inside with the rest of the team.

"Oh god.." Emily looked at Elle's body laying on the ground.

"Why does this one seem worse?" Luke looked at the body before looking at Emily who had her hand over her mouth.

"Because she fought back." Tara nodded, pointing to everything that was pushed around and on the floor.

Matt was looking around the house, he was so tired that he was getting dizzy, so he stayed quiet and kept to himself.

"Look, she hit him with a frying pan." JJ grabbed the pan from the floor, holding it up.

"Guys I don't think this guy is working alone." Derek looked up at them.

"I don't either, look at the way everything is thrown, she was fighting two people." Emily nodded.

"Is the bullet missing?" Hotch walked in behind everyone.

"Sloppy compared to the others, but yes it's gone." Emily was leaning down by the body.

"This guy is smart, he knows how to completely cover his tracks, even with the fight mess, there are zero prints that the CSI can find." Hotch nodded.

"Aaron there is no way he's working alone." David shook his head.

"I agree, we need to change the profile." Hotch looked over to him. Most of the team nodded in agreement.

"Wheres Matt?" Luke looked around a bit.

"Right here." Matt walked into the room slowly, everyone looking over to him.

"Are you alright?" JJ set the pan down, going over to him.

"I'm fine." Matt nodded. "Just really tired."

"Go home Matt, I know you have the kids to worry about, and you look worse then the rest of us, you don't have to work this case." Hotch nodded over to him.

"Really? Thank you." Matt smiled a bit, he wanted to work so badly, but it was really affecting his health.

"You're welcome, I'll call you when your vacation days are used up." Hotch nodded once more before looking back down at Elle's body.

"Bye guys." Matt waved before leaving the house and taking an suv.

"We really need to figure this out." Hotch covered Elle's body with the tarp.

"We have an N now." JJ was trying to think.

"Maybe spelling out Tony, like a name?" Emily looked over at her.

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