Chapter 18

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{Sorry for late upload, school and stuff🥱}

"Should we start warning people?" Emily looked over to Hotch, they had been working all night now.

"No, that will make him go into hiding and stop killing." Hotch shakes his head.

"But there are agents in danger Hotch!" Derek looked over to him.

"I understand that, believe me I do, but I think it's definitely better to keep it a secret." Hotch went back over to the bored, placing some more pictures on it.

"I'm with Aaron on this, if Spencer finds out we told them ahead of time, he would stop killing agents." David stood up from his chair with a nod.

"I still can't believe Spencer would do this.." Penelope looked down at her computer, she was trying to pick up any trail possible.

"None of us can." JJ shook her head. "Maybe I can call Will? We could use some more back up."

"That's a good idea, do you have a sitter for the kids?" Hotch looked over to her.

"I'll get one." JJ picked up her phone, walking out of the room.

Luke went over and gently grabbed Garcia's hand, she had started to cry again. "It's okay."

Kendall walked into the room. "They haven't been active, there aren't any murders."

"They usually strike by now.." Derek looked over to Hotch.

"Great, that was our only advantage." Emily put her head down on the table very tiredly.

Hotch looked back up at the bored. "Maybe they know we are on to them."

"Spencer I told you we needed to fix this." Cat was gently putting a wash cloth on the cut on his arm.

"I thought it would have been fine." Spencer was sitting on the bed, he was dizzy and was starting to get a fever.

"It's seriously all yellow and gross." Cat looked down at him.

"It just needs cleaned, I'll be alright." Spencer looked up towards her, placing a smile on his face.

"If this gets worse we are finding someone to fix it, I know a few people." Cat nodded.

"Fine." Spencer nodded a bit before rubbing his eyes with his free hand.

Cat started to wrap the cut back up. "There, are you alright?"

"Definitely, no worries." Spencer smiled and stood up, he gripped onto the bed for a moment since he almost fell.

"Mhm." Cat looked up at him.

"I'll be fine." Spencer nodded once again, getting his balance and grabbing his coat. "Ready?"

"I guess." Cat smiled a bit, grabbing her coat as well.

"Let's do this." Spencer smirked, and they were on their way.

About an hour later

"Dammit, guys let's go." Hotch stood up fast after checking his phone.

The team quickly followed behind, running to the SUV's and driving behind Hotch.

Once they arrived at the house, they all split up, some went to talk to the police, other inside the house.

"It's Kate?!" JJ looked down at her body, putting a hand over her mouth with a gasp. "Oh god I wish Will could have been here.."

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