Chapter 13

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{ edit note / ( Ment we bf ylrwerjwee ) ~our guinea pig typed this, you're welcome : p.s sorry for a late upload : }

"How is this guy doing these murders? It seems like they almost never even happened, but the bodies looked awful." Kendall looked at the team, they were sitting at the round table.

"It also seems like it's taking all his effort, how is he doing this without anyone screaming for help or fighting back? They were agents.." JJ sat back, she was trying to think.

"Maybe he's not working alone?" Luke spoke up, putting down his coffee.

"I mean that's a possibility yes, but there isn't enough evidence to prove that..yet." Emily was standing up by the bored, looking at the crime scene photos.

"Guys I hope Spencer is okay..what if this guy gets to him?" Penelope looked up slightly, fixing her glasses.

"I don't think anyone is going to find Spence, he knows how to hide." JJ looked over to her, placing her hand on her shoulder. "It'll be alright."

"I agree, that kid is smart enough to hide from an apocalypse." Rossi smiled, he tried to lighten the mood.

Penelope smiled and shook her head. "You're not wrong."

"Alright guys, let's get back to work." Hotch had a small smile on his face before fixing his coat.

Spencer pulled away from Cat, now looking in her eyes.

"I wasn't expecting that." Cat smirked, looking up at him.

"I guess I'm just full of surprises." Spencer smiled a bit. "Now, you've helped me, I want to help you."

"Oh do you now?" Cat was still right beside him smiling.

"Of course." Spencer nodded.

"Well then lets just go shall we?" Cat stood up with a giggle. She grabbed his hand to help him up, then they were on their way.

Later that day

"Hotch we got another call." JJ walked back into the room.

"What happened?" Hotch looked over to her, as did the rest of the team.

"There's been another murder, but it's not the same type." JJ put her phone in her pocket.

"Maybe it's just a one time thing, not another serial, and maybe not the same person." Garcia looked over at everyone.

"Do you want to go check it out? I told them I'd ask." JJ looked over to Hotch.

"We can yes." Hotch fixed his tie and picked up his stuff from the table.

"Be safe." Penelope waved as they all went out the door.

"Thank you for this!" Cat had her arms tightly around Spencer with a smile.

"You're welcome." Spencer smiled back. "We should probably head back though, we need sleep."

"Oh yea, that's probably a good plan." Cat giggles.

"Alright, let's head back" Spencer nodded, and they were once again on their way back to where they were staying.

"I don't think this is the same guy?" Tara was standing by the body.

"How come?" Hotch looked down at her since she was crouching down.

"Well for one, there's no stabbing or marks." Tara looked back up at him.

"Only the shot?" Hotch looked down at the body.

"Right in the back of the head. Almost dead center." Tara stood up after gently placing the body's head back down against the floor.

"We don't know who this is, and our guy seems to go after agents. I don't think this is him." Hotch shook his head.

"I agree, I'll get the crime scene photos from them anyway, maybe we can catch this other guy quicker and help out the cops." Tara nodded before looking around one last time, and going outside.

Hotch had walked off to meet up with the rest of the team in another room. "Find anything?"

"No nothing, not even a smudge on the hard wood from dirt on a shoe." Emily stood up straight, looking over at him.

"Tara is getting the photos but this might not be our thing." Hotch shook his head.

"Probably not, we should head back though." JJ scratched her head before leaving the house.

Hotch nodded and followed behind her, alongside the rest of the team, eventually they made it back to the BAU.

So tomorrow, who's next?" Cat looked over to Spencer, they were laying in a bed beside one another.

"Someone I haven't seen a long time." Spencer nodded, turning his head to face her.

"Oh?" Cat moved over a little closer.

"You don't know her, she hasn't been in the team in a long while. I thought she moved further away, but she didn't." Spencer looked into her eyes as she moved closer.

"I'm just glad your happy." Cat smiled.

"I'm kinda surprised I am, I mean, I know I've always been different, but this just, it almost feels right." Spencer nodded once again, moving over to his side to face her better.

"You never actually told me what changed your mind." Cat moved some hair from his face.

"When I woke up in the hospital I was just, so full of rage. I wasn't sure why and I still can't completely remember what happened to me. Then Aaron came to visit and told me..he told me my girlfriend at the time, was killed." Spencer looked over at the wall for a moment.

Cat put her hand over his. "Well it changed you for the good, this life is better." She was completely manipulating him, and he never picked up on it.

"Thank you." Spencer nodded before looking back at her.

"Always." Cat smirked. "Now goodnight."

"You too." Spencer looked down at their hands before turning over to his other side.

The two then fell asleep.

Around 1 am

"I'm sending you guys home. No one has slept in hours." Hotch put the file he was looking at down on the table.

"There has got to be something." Tara shook her head, placing her hands on her face.

"Hotch agents are being killed. What gives us the right to sleep right now?" Derek looked over at him.

"Morgan we all can't concentrate, all we are going is getting mad." Hotch nodded, gathering up his stuff. "Go home, I'll call you in when needed."

The whole team really was wiped out, they all gathered their things together, then headed home to finally get some rest.

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