Chapter 20

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Later that night

"I really do think I love you." Spencer smiled down at Cat, cuddling her as closer as possible.

"I think I feel the same way." Cat giggles with a nod.

"Alright, let's get ready." Spencer nodded, he kissed her forehead before getting off the bed to get dressed.

Cat smiled before getting up and doing the same, fixing her hair up some as well.

"Emily I don't know what I'm going to do.." JJ said softly, she was still at the house with Emily, Rossi had come earlier and taken the kids to JJ's parents.

"It'll be alright, it's going to take some time, but I promise it will be." Emily nodded, they were sitting beside each other so she was still rubbing JJ's back.

"What am I going to tell the kids.." JJ looked up at her slightly.

"Henry is the only one who will really understand what happened, I think you just try and take it slow, tell him he passed away, just don't tell him how." Emily nodded, her voice was soft.

"But it was S-Spencer who.." JJ's eyes started to water again.

"I know..I know." Emily pulled her into a hug once again, trying her best to comfort her.

"He needs found. I hate to say it, but he needs stopped. Whether that prison or.." Hotch looked over to Derek.

"You want to kill him?" Derek stood up from the chair he was in.

"No Derek, I don't want to kill him, but if that's what it takes for him to stop." Hotch shook his head.

Derek put his head down for a moment with a sigh. "How could this happen.."

"I don't think we will ever actually know." Luke came up behind Derek.

Around 40 minutes later

"He's up there." Spencer pointed up to the top floor of the building from the car.

"How are we going to do anything in a building full of people?" Cat looked over at him.

"We have to get him out of there." Spencer nodded before turning to face her. "The team didn't tell anyone that I was out of prison, which means it wasn't released that I escaped. He doesn't know I'm doing what I'm doing."

"Oh, so you're just going to tell him you got out?" Cat smiled a bit.

"Exactly, good behavior." Spencer smiled back with a small nod, he was a bit dizzy again, the infection never actually went away.

"Yea yea, you were perfect." Cat giggles, leaning over and placing a kiss on his lips.

"Thank you." Spencer gently grabbed her hand.

"Always, now go do your thing." Cat smiled, looking into his eyes.

Spencer nodded before carefully getting out of the car, trying to keep his balance, and making it inside.

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