Chapter 4

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One month later

"Reid, you're with me, Luke and Matt go to the tent, the rest of you go straight to the scene, those guys need to be trapped." Hotch spoke fast, they were in a rush as two guys have been robbing banks for 3 weeks and have finally been cornered.

The jet landed and everyone went their own ways. "Reid, go get the sheriff, I'll get the rest." Hotch stated before going off the other direction, the police didn't even know this was happening yet.

"Sheriff we need you-" Spencer got cut off before finishing his sentence.

"What are you doing here? You were not invited?" The sheriff stood up looking at him.

"These robbers who we have been chasing for weeks are in your bank right now. They have been everywhere and it's a federal bank, it's a federal case. We need your team's help though." Spencer spoke before leaving the room quick to meet up with Hotch who had already had the others all caught up.

They all headed straight to the crime scene, calling in S.W.A.T, and pretty much everyone they could.

"Should we go in?" Luke looked over to Hotch.

"Damn straight we should go in! These guys can not get away again!" Derek shouted, not to loud but loud enough.

"I agree with Morgan, Rossi go get S.W.A.T." Hotch said with a nod looking over to David.

Rossi had nodded before going over to get them. They all got ready and finally stormed into the bank.

"FBI drop your weapons!" Derek shouted, looking at the two boys.

The boys looked at each other before aiming their guns at the cops, many shots were fired and luckily the team was faster, both boys went down.

"Someone get a medic!" Hotch yelled before going over to some of the injured, Reid going to another few. Rossi and Morgan had ran over grabbing their guns and cuffing them as they yelled.

The rest of the team was getting the people who were not injured out of the building. Soon enough everyone was out of the building and the boys were sent to the station.

"I can't believe we finally got was easier then I expected." Emily nodded before looking up at everyone else.

"It's likely they knew that they would get caught, they probably noticed the detective and planned from that." Spencer pushed some hair from his face looking over at her. "Which is probably the reason the detective was shot."

"Yea that makes sense." Emily nods. "But hey, we did it and the drinks are on me." She smiles, though that quickly changed when more shots were fired. "What the hell?!" She turned fast.

"There's another one in the building, everyone split up!" One of the cops yelled before every cop started piling in quickly, even the team followed behind, they split up as well.

"Put it down." Spencer slowly walked up on the guy holding the gun, he was alone and had no backup so he needed to be careful.

"Yea, and who's gonna make me?" The guy spoke. "You know, Spencer, this has been an awesome day."

Spencer kept his gun aimed at him. "I need you to put the gun down." He was confused, how did he know him?

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