Chapter 9

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"Hotchner." Aaron picked up his phone, placing it up to his ear.

"Agent Hotchner we have a problem." The voice said over the phone.

"Who is this?" Hotch asked, sitting down at his desk.

"I'm a guard at the prison." The guard spoke in a stern tone.

"What happened? Is Agent Reid alright?" Hotch looked around a bit before getting up and closing his door to the office, the guard sounded serious.

"Well I can't really answer that one for you." The guard sat down on a bench, keeping the phone to his ear.

"What do you mean?" Hotch sounded confused.

"He escaped. Him and another prisoner escaped." The guard finally said.

"Excuse me?" Hotch's face changed expressions fast, he didn't believe this was true.

"Who do you think he's on the phone with?" Emily was sitting on Morgan's desk, they were kinda all in a group together.

"Not sure, but it looks serious." Luke nodded.

"It's probably a bad case, I've seen that face before." JJ sighed a bit.

"But you guys just got home..." Penelope looked at them before looking back up at the window to Hotch's office.

"He's gone Hotchner. We haven't figured out how long yet either." The guard spoke.

"Are you serious, you don't know how long? Who else escaped with him?" Aaron was starting to pace around now, the team still watching him.

"Cat Adams." The guard once again said in a stern tone.

Hotch stood there for a moment before speaking. "Thank you for letting me know." He hung up and tossed his phone down on the desk.

"Guys i don't think that was a case call.." Tara looked over to them.

"You don't think something happened to Spencer do you.." JJ looked over to Derek.

"Stop no, the kids fine, he has to be. Hotch would have told us by now." Derek shook his head.

"Derek he looks real messed up." Rossi said with a small sigh. "But yeah guys, we need to keep spirits high, we are getting him back soon."

"Not soon enough." Luke shook his head a bit.

"I agree.." Garcia nodded looking up to Luke.

Hotch grabbed his phone before fixing his tie and walking out the door.

"Guys, round table now." Hotch was waking over to the room not even looking over at them.

The team all looked at one another before anxiously making their way to the room and closing the doors.

"What is it Hotch what happened?!" Garcia was extremely worried.

"It's Spencer." Hotch nodded a bit looking at them. "He's escaped."

"What?!" JJ's voice was a bit loud.

"Hold up what?" Rossi looked over to Hotch. "Escaped?"

"He escaped the prison, they are not sure when though." Hotch sat down putting his hand on his head.

"I can't believe you want to do this." Cat smiled up at Spencer.

"You've made me realize who I am, now I'm just going to show it off." Spencer looked down to her.

"You sure you want your first to be her?" Cat looked through the window, they were hiding in the yard.

"Definitely, it'll get their attention." Spencer nodded looking into the window as well. "I know her routine already, just wait for nightfall."

"Yes sir." Cat smirks over to him.

"What the hell do you mean he escaped Hotch?! He would never do something like that!" Derek was mad, upset, and just hurt, he didn't understand.

"Derek I don't know, he stabbed himself in the arm, was taken to the medic, knocked her out and just, he escaped." Hotch looked up at Derek.

"Someone had to of pressured him, this isn't him he would never do this." Derek pushed a chair a bit.

"Derek he's the one who stabbed himself, you would need to be extremely close to be pressured into that." Hotch shook his head.

"I just can't believe this.." JJ was sitting now and put her head into her hands.

Garcia was hugging Luke and just trying to process.

"Maybe he just didn't want to wait." Rossi nodded a bit. "He's not a bad guy, he's not dangerous, no one else knows about this. I'm sure he's just in hiding because he knows he can't come back here now."

"He escaped with another prisoner." Hotch added.

"Who?" Tara looked over to him.

"Cat Adams." Hotch said with a small sigh.

The whole team was quiet, everyone knew about their past together, it was a shock to them.

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