Chapter 16

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Police, an ambulance, the team, and even search dogs soon arrived at the scene.

"Matt no please please no!!" Kristy was screaming with tears falling down her face.

Tara quickly ran over to her, pulling her into a tight hug. "Shh Shh it's okay it's okay, I'm here, Shh."

Kristy was just crying into Tara's shoulder, she was so scared.

Paramedics made it over to Matt's body quickly checking for a pulse.

"He's alive!" One of the paramedics shouted, starting to get him oxygen and working on the wounds.

"Dammit." Hotch made his way over to Matt, he wasn't dead but pretty much lifeless.

"Matt.." Luke looked down at him, him and Matt were pretty close and have been friends for a while.

"I shouldn't have sent him home alone. I should have known." Hotch put his hand over his face for a moment.

"Hey no, it's not your fault that some psychopath is going around murdering people." Kendall placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Well I should have guessed." Hotch looked down at her.

"You couldn't have known." Kendall shakes her head, keeping her hand now on his arm.

Hotch nodded looking down at her, before looking back over at Matt.

The paramedics were getting him onto the stretcher, trying to stop the bleeding and starting an IV.

They didn't clean up this time." Emily looked around, noticing the blanket in the pool.

"Matt must have fought back." David bent down to grab the blanket from the water.

"And now we can't get prints from that because of the water." Luke shook his head.

"I hate how smart this guy is." Derek looked over at everyone.

"I wonder who's the brains of the two, but it seems like they both involve themself in the actual murder." JJ added.

"Yea that's true, but it's clearly just the one who's performing the actual murders. I've never seen a signature like this." David shook his head.

"Especially the shot in the neck, I don't get why they don't just stab to kill them. They clearly have no care in the world about being messy." Emily pointed to the blood on the concrete.

"Matt's alive which is a plus, maybe he can tell us who did it." Luke looked over to Emily.

"Matt's lost a lot of blood. They are going to take him and perform surgery, but they don't know if he's going to wake up." Hotch came up behind the rest of them, Kendall beside him.

The ambulance sirens blared as they were leaving for the hospital now.

Luke looked down at the ground with a sigh.

"I hate to say it, but how is he alive?" JJ spoke quietly.

"I was wondering the same thing. No one else has." Hotch shook his head.

"Maybe this guys not fully here anymore." Kendall looked over at them.

"He could definitely be losing touch." David nodded. "It's the only thing that makes sense."

"There was an H in his chest. That doesn't make sense with the other letters." Hotch looked over to Rossi.

"Great. A scramble up." David shook his head.

"Should we go to the hospital with Kristy and Tara? They are already on their way with the kids. " Kendall looked up at Hotch.

"We need to work on this, I'll make sure to tell Tara to give us every update." Hotch pulled out his phone and they were all on their way.

"Spencer we almost got caught, that was way too risky." Cat looked over to him while driving.

"I liked it." Spencer smirked over to her. "Didn't you?"

Cat looked at him for a moment before looking back at the road. "I mean yea I did but like I said, we are probably the first people they are looking for."

Spencer nodded. "Right I forgot, you like order."

"Its not just that, I just don't want this to stop, and if they find out this is us, and we get caught. There's no way they are letting us live." Cat looked over to him again.

"I agree, they would definitely give the death penalty." Spencer nodded. "I'll be more careful."

"Good." Cat nodded with a smile as they pulled up to their hideout.

"Matt's in a coma." Hotch walked back into the round table room, placing his phone on the table.

"At least he's alive.." Penelope looked down at the table with a sigh.

"That's true. They also found something." Hotch looked over to her, then to the rest of the team.

"What is it?" Luke sat up in his chair.

"Blood. But it's not Matt's blood." Hotch nodded.

"Holy crap.." Emily stood up with a smile. "This brings us a step closer!"

Hotch smiled a bit. "They are testing the blood now."

"This is amazing." JJ smiled with a nod.

Kendall smiled before going over to hug Hotch.

Hotch hugged her back before looking down at her. "Thank you."

Kendall smiled. "Anytime."

Derek smiled, using his elbow to get Luke's attention, pointing at Hotch.

Luke let out a small laugh before covering it with a cough.

"Alright guys, we will get the results tomorrow, so you can all head home." Hotch nodded, before gathering up his stuff.

"I'll walk out with you." Kendall smiled before grabbing her stuff, leaving the room along side Aaron.

"When did that happen?" JJ giggles before looking over at Garcia.

"I'm not sure, it's cute though." Penelope smiled, also giggling.

"Alright guys, sleep well." Derek spoke before leaving the room, as well as everyone else.

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