Chapter 6

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Two weeks later

Spencer had now been in prison for two weeks, the team visiting him as much as they could between cases and their home lives. It hasn't been the best experience at all, and to make it worse, he just lost the one person who was keeping him safe from all the gangs.

Spencer was in his cell, the doors were open for free time, and he was reading a book on his bed. A bigger guy had walked into his cell along side a few buddies.

"Hey boy." The guy spoke, his voice was extremely deep.

"I uh..hey guys, need something?" Spencer looked up from his book.

"You're that agent aren't you?" The guy behind the bigger guy said looking at him.

"" Spencer said fast, a lie of course, but he was a bit scared.

"Oh so we've got a liar, who also tried to blow up innocent children in a bank for fun." The mans voice got even more stern. "I may be a killer, I would never hurt a child."

"What?! No no you've got it wrong I didn't do it I wasn't part of it.." Spencer was shaking his head quick, backing up slightly.

"People who hurt children need to pay." The guy got closer to him grabbing the collar of his shirt, pulling him up. "So now it's your turn to pay."

"No- no please I wasn't part of it!" Spencer tried to get away but he couldn't.

The three guys had now started to beat up Spencer. They were punching his face, chest, stomach, pretty much everywhere they could, and all at the same time.

"Please no stop.." Spencer managed to get out in a soft pained voice. He started moving around again, even through the pain, all he wanted was to get free.

The bigger guy had pretty much body slammed Spencer down to the ground, smacking his head on both the metal bed and the concrete floor now leaving him unconscious and bleeding.

The guys all looked at each other. "Shit, go go go we need to go." They all had ran out of the cell, leaving Spencer on the floor bleeding and knocked out cold.

After about 5 minutes later an officer was putting the prisoners back in their cells when he noticed Spencer on the floor.

"Guys get over here, cell A72." He spoke through his two way radio while trying to wake him up. "Holy fuck." He whispered to himself.

A few other officers came quick, one called an ambulance as the medic in the prison was out this week. Once the ambulance arrived they got him on route to the hospital.

A guard then called Hotch, to let him know what had happened.

Hotch quickly made his way into the round table room. "Reid's been hurt. He's being taken to a hospital."

The entire team didn't even say anything, they left their stuff and all ran out the door in a panic to their SUV's.

Soon enough they had made it to the hospital, all getting out and going straight to a doctor.

"Spencer Reid where is he, is he alright?" Hotch looked at the doctor.

"The prisoner?" The doctor looked at him confused.

Hotch took a breath before a small nod. "Yes him." The rest of the team all had worried expressions on their faces.

"Well Uhm, alright then, he suffered a severe blow to the head in two places, which led him unconscious. He's pretty much covered head to toe in bruises and cuts. He was attacked in his cell." The doctor nodded.

"Oh my god oh my god.." Garcia had started crying, leaning in and hugging Luke closely.

JJ looked down, she was also tearing up. Hotch looked at the rest of them, staying the strong soul he was. "Can we see him?"

"I'm sorry, he's heavily guarded and not even awake yet." The doctor shook his head before walking off in the other direction.

"How could this happen..I thought he had that guy in there with him!" Emily almost shouted over to Hotch.

"He was released due to over crowding." Hotch said with a slight nod, he was really hurting over this, but he didn't show it.

"We need to find out who the hell did this to him." Derek spoke up.

"I agree." Tara nodded looking up at him. "This isn't right."

David nodded as well. "I hate to say it, but I do think we should know who it was, we can't do anything though."

"Rossi what the hell?! Didn't you just hear what they did?!" Derek was starting to lose it, Spencer is his best friend and he wasn't going to stand for this.

"Morgan stop." Hotch looked over to him. "We need to be grateful he's alive and that he's going to be okay."

Derek just shook his head. "Whatever."

Spencer woke up eventually in a whole lot of pain and cuffed to the bed, he didn't feel like himself, almost as if he were a stranger in his own body.

Different doctors were coming in and out of the room, checking the different machines they had him hooked too.

"Get me out of here." Spencer looked up at the police standing by his bed.

"You're being admitted for the night." The cop spoke with a nod.

"Get me the hell out of here, now." Spencer stared up at him.

The cop looked at the doctor and nodded. "Fine."

Hotch was walking back to where the team was sitting in the hospital. "Guys I just got a call from Strauss.." he started to explain the call to them, once again, causing their faces to drop.

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