Chapter 17

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The next morning

"Spencie wake up." Cat gently shook him from her side of the bed.

"Hm?" Spencer opened his eyes, looking over at her.

"They found blood on that guy from last night that wasn't his! They don't have an ID yet, but it's yours Spencer!" Cat pointed to his arm.

Spencer looked over at his arm, they never actually took care of it. "Dammit."

"And they have all your information Spencer. You were a federal agent! They are going to know it's you!" Cat spoke a bit louder.

"Hey Shh, listen it's okay. So what, they find out it's me, there is no way they can catch us." Spencer sat up on the bed, turning to face her.

"How so?" Cat kept looking over at him.

"Because I have everything planned way ahead. I know exactly what I'm doing, and I know everything about them." Spencer took his hand and gently placed it on her leg.

Cat looked down at his hand for a moment, staying silent.

"It'll be alright." Spencer nodded. "You can't get rid of me that easy."

"Alright.." Cat nodded, looking back up at him, placing her hand in his.

Spencer smiled, looking into her eyes, even though he was losing touch, it only seemed to grow his feelings towards Cat.

Cat smiled back before standing up. "Then we've got work to do."

Spencer nodded, standing up as well.  "You remember the way there?"

"Of course!" Cat giggles before going to get dressed, Spencer right behind her to do the same.

"Good morning guys." Hotch walked into the room, where everyone else was sitting and chatting.

"I know you guys are still tired, but we are getting closer." Hotch smiled for a moment before sitting down beside Kendall.

"Oh it's only 4 am." JJ said with a smile, shaking her head.

"Gee really? I didn't notice." Derek chuckled.

"So I was looking at the pictures last night in the hospital, I was sitting with Matt, and I think I know what kind of gun is being used." Luke nodded with a smile.

"Oh really?" Emily looked over at him with a smile.

"Mhm, I already put it on the board, jealous?" Luke smirked.

"Oh you? Please." Emily let out a small laugh before standing up to look at the paper.

"Definitely jealous." Luke winked over to Garcia.

Penelope let out a giggle before looking over at Emily. "So what kind of gun is it?"

"You know, it looks like-." Emily was cut off by Hotch's phone ringing.

"That's the results." Hotch stood up, walking out of the room.

Of course the entire team went right up to the window of the room, watching him closely.

"Hello?" Hotch spoke over at the phone.

"Agent Aaron Hotchner?" A doctor responded.

"Yes this is him." Hotch nodded over the phone.

"The results are in, do you know an agent by the name of Spencer Reid?" The doctor asked.

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