Chapter 10

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That night

"Are you ready?" Spencer looked over to Cat, they were behind the bush once again.

"Is that even a question?" Cat smiles over to him.

"I'll see you inside." Spencer nodded before standing up slightly.

"You better." Cat smirks before standing up. She walked over to the car in the driveway, still hidden behind a tree, and started throwing rocks at it, causing the car alarm to go off.

Once the door opened and the girl came out to her car, Spencer quickly stood up and ran inside the home, he knew exactly where he was going.

"Dammit!" The girl quickly turned the car alarm off looking around for anyone near. She didn't see anyone and she just shook her head going back inside, it was way to late to call any car place, and she knew the police wouldn't do anything.

Cat kept herself in hiding, looking up at a window for her signal.

The girl started turning her lights and stuff off, making her way to the kitchen where Spencer was now sitting at the table.

"Spencer? Why are you..I thought you were in prison..." She looked down to him.

"Hey Blake. Yea I was, just ya know, got out." Spencer looked up at her standing up.

"When did you get out?" Alex kept looking at him.

"A few days ago, no one told you anything?" Spencer walked over closer to her, he was surprised they didn't tell her that he escaped.

"No nothing, uhm, so what are you doing here?" Alex was a bit on edge, he just showed up out of no where.

"To surprise you, I've done it to all the team." Spencer put on a smile looking over at her.

"Oh, oh okay." Alex smiles back, she started to relax since she was believing his story.  "So how have you been since you're free?"

"I've been good. Getting to see everyone again is nice." Spencer nodded.

"I bet, it had to be lonely in there." Alex sat down at the table.

"Yea, it was." Spencer nodded staying up against the counter.

Alex smiles again with a nod. "Why don't you sit?"

Spencer shook his head before grabbing down at his arm, it was still wrapped from when he stabbed himself. He made it seem as if he was in a lot of pain.

"Spencer hey hey what happen, are you okay?" Alex stood up going over to him, trying to check where he was grabbing.

"Stabbed.." Spencer mumbled out before looking up at her fast.

Before Alex could even react, Spencer pushed a small knife into her chest, next to her heart.

Alex fell back in pain, grabbing at her wound and falling onto the floor. "Spencer.."

Spencer watched her fall before looking over at the window and nodding over to Cat.

Cat took the signal and made her way inside, looking down at Spencer who was now sitting down beside Alex.

"Spencer why.." Alex looked at him, her hand still over her chest.

"Why not?" Spencer looked at her before taking the small knife and stabbing it into her chest again, crossing over the first wound, now pretty much hitting her heart.

Alex groaned in pain, trying to get away but failing. "Please Spencer..stop.." some blood started to come from her mouth, her breathing getting a bit more shallow.

"The team did this." Spencer kept looking at her, putting his other hand in his pocket. "It's their fault."

Those were the last words Alex heard Spencer say before being shot in the neck.

"Spencie, you did it." Cat smiled over to him. "You did it!"

Spencer was looking down at Blake for a moment, he felt sick for a moment before it just passed, as if it was nothing. "We did it."

"No hun, it was all you." Cat smirks and goes over to him, helping him up. "Now you go clean up, I'll get all the fingerprints."  She knew everything he touched since she was watching from the window, and he didn't touch much.

Spencer nodded, even slightly smiled, before grabbing the knife and the gun from the floor. He put the gun back in his jacket and went over to the sink.

Cat started wiping everything down with a cloth, humming a song at the same time.

Spencer rinsed the blood from the knife before placing it back in his pocket. He then took out the bleach from under the sink, completely disinfecting the sink of any blood or any fingerprints.

"All done?" Cat made her way over to Spencer with a smile.

"Yup, let's go." Spencer nodded before taking Cats cloth wiping down the bleach bottle, placing it back at the same time.

Soon enough they were out of there, returning to the abandoned  garage  they were staying at.

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