Chapter 7

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A month later

"We need to tell him.." Emily looked over to Hotch.

"I know, but he hasn't accepted any of our visits." Hotch looked back at her. "I'm not sure what I can do."

"It counts as an emergency." David nodded. "Why has the kid been ignoring us anyway?"

"He's probably embarrassed.." JJ sighed. "I feel so bad for him, and this is just going to crush him.."

Luke and the others nodded in agreement. They all felt like it was their own faults.

"Do you think the plan is going to work?" Spencer looked over to this girl, they have been talking more and more for the month he's been back and healing.

"Of course, why doubt me hun?" The girl smiles over to him.

"When are we going to do it then?" Spencer sat back against a chair.

"Soon." The girl smirked with a nod.

"I got an appointment with him, I'll be back." Hotch spoke walking into the room.

"Tell him we all say hey and that we miss him." Garcia smiles slightly.

"I will." Hotch nodded before leaving for the prison.

20 minutes later

"Hey Reid." Hotch sat down on his side of the table.

"Hi." Spencer looked over to him. "What do you want?"

"Are you alright?" Hotch sounded concerned, Reid never acted so harsh like this.

"Fine, what do you want Aaron?" Spencer moved some hair from his face.

"The team misses you." Hotch tried to lighten the mood a bit, though he was taken aback by the use of his first name, again it wasn't like Reid to do that.

"Cool, are we done now?" Spencer nodded.

"Reid listen..uhm, you need to know something." Hotch's voice got a bit more serious.

"Ok." Spencer looked at him. "What is it?"

"Maeve was kidnapped." Hotch nodded.

"What?!" Spencer put his hands down on the table with force. "Did you find her, is she okay?!"

" was Scratch...Scratch killed her I'm sorry." Hotch felt so bad, but he kept a stern face looking at him.

"Are you serious?!" Spencer stood up fast causing the table to be pushed back.

Hotch stood up quick so the table didn't harm him. "Spencer I'm sorry, he got away."

"This is your fault! You guys probably didn't do shit to help her either. You didn't even tell me when it happened." Spencer's voice got louder.

"Spencer. Relax right now, we tried but we didn't find her in time. We didn't tell you because you wouldn't let us in." Hotch fixed his tie a bit.

"Screw you, screw all of you. You got her killed and it's your fault. So much for team leader." Spencer stood up straight.

"Spencer.." Hotch tried to speak.

"Shut up and leave." Spencer waved over to the guard, who then came in to make Hotch leave.

"Spencer I'm sorry." Hotch said while being pushed towards the door.

"I said shut up, and leave." Spencer nodded before another guard came and took him back to his cell.

Hotch was escorted out of the prison before heading back to the BAU.

"We need to do this." Spencer went over to the side of his cell, closest to the one next to him.

"What happened?" The girl from before spoke, moving over to the wall as well from her cell.

"Let's just say, I'm definitely on your side." Spencer nodded.

"Finally." The girl smirked.

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