Alternative ending!

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"How much do you love me?" Cat smiled over to Spencer.

"With every bit possible." Spencer nodded with a smile, taking his hand and gently moving some hair from her face.

"Good." Cat giggles before leaning over, starting to kiss him.

Spencer leaned into the kiss as well, holding her close.

"JJ I'm so sorry I had to bring you in, I really am." Hotch looked down at her softly.

"It's okay.." JJ nodded slightly.

"We really need all hands on deck." Derek came closer to her, gently pulling her into a hug.

JJ accepted the hug, fighting so hard not to cry again.

"Guys we need to get back to work." Kendall nodded, holding a stack of papers.

JJ shook her head. "No really? I hadn't noticed." She glared towards Kendall before walking away and into the room.

Kendall scratched her head a bit before looking over at Hotch.

Hotch shook his head before walking in the room behind Derek and Emily.

Kendall fixed the papers she was holding before making her way into the room as well.

"Spencer are you sure about this?" Cat looked over at him, turning the car off.

"Definitely, it'll work." Spencer nodded, turning to face her.

"This building is packed full of people." Cat shook her head a bit.

"I know." Spencer gently shook his head a bit, he was starting to get dizzy. "But I've told you the plan already, I'll ask him to leave with me."

"Well yea, but what if he doesn't even want to see you?" Cat sat back.

"He was the one looking for me a while back, and found me in prison." Spencer nodded. "I definitely think he's going to want to see me out."

Cat nodded. "Yea, that makes sense, you just need to be careful." She gently put her hand on his cheek.

Spencer smiled down at her. "I will be, I promise."

"You're warm again." Cat looked into his eyes.

"Am I? I feel fine." Spencer lied, he was getting super dizzy again.

"As long as you're sure." Cat smiled.

"Of course." Spencer gently kissed her lips before getting out of the car slowly, making his way into the building.

"So we know he's going to do something tonight, but what is that something?" Hotch looked over to the board.

"I hope he's not planning something huge.." Penelope shook her head.

"He's smart, smarter then the average human, god knows what he's capable of." Derek nodded, he stood up and went closer to the board.

"Yes he's extremely smart, but he's not completely here, he's sick and it's obvious that he's not in control of his actions anymore." Hotch pointed out.

"I forgot about that." Emily rubbed her eyes, they were all still extremely tired.

"It'll make him easier to catch though." JJ finally spoke up.

"Exactly." Hotch nodded. "We just need to really think this through."

Spencer slowly walked into the office, he was just told to come in after knocking.

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