Chapter 5

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"What just...what just happened?" JJ looked up to Hotch.

"The hell did they take him for? He wasn't part of this?!" Derek shouted.

"They said he tried to shoot him." Hotch looked to Derek.

"He didn't look right! There was something wrong." Emily shook her head before pulling out her phone and calling Penelope.

"Hey crime fighters, on your way home?" Garcia spoke all happy.

"Reid just got arrested." Emily said with a sigh, there was a moment of silence on the line.

"What?! Why?!" Garcia yelled in a panicked tone.

"They said he was connected to everything that happened today..." Emily looked over at Hotch while speaking over the phone.

The cop pulled into the station before getting out of the car and grabbing Reid. Spencer was so out of it he honestly forgot where he even was, so he stayed quiet.

"Let's go." The cop pulled at Spencer's arm, dragging him into the station and putting him into a cell. "You know your rights don't you?"

Spencer didn't say anything back and just stared down at the ground.

"Whatever." The cop shook his head and walked off. Spencer kept starting down at the ground, it was like he wasn't even in his own body.

The team had arrived back at the station immediately going over to the cell Reid was in.

"Spencer, hey Spence are you okay?" JJ looked up at him since he was still standing.

Spencer didn't even look up, he was sweating and swaying slightly. JJ was really looking worried now.

"Hotch he's not alright there is something wrong with him..."  She looked up to him.

"I'll go speak to the sheriff." Hotch nodded before walking off the other direction.

"I'll go with Aaron." David looked at Spencer before walking off behind Hotch.

"Spencer..?" Emily got a bit closer to the bars. "Spencer are you okay?" She still got no response from him, which led her to sigh.

Hotch came back with Rossi looking at the team. "We can't do anything till tomorrow and there isn't anything I can do."

The team all looked at Spencer with sad and confused eyes before all heading back to their hotel rooms. Spencer just stood in the cell, alone, and so confused. 

Time skip

Throughout the middle of the night the police had tested Reid for drugs, searched him down completely, and performed a health check regarding what Hotch had asked for.

Once the next morning arose, the team was at the station as soon as they could be, all going straight to the sheriff's office.

"Well I knew this was coming." The sheriff rolled his eyes before standing up.

"Did you do what I asked?" Hotch said in a stern and serious tone.

"I did." The sheriff nodded, handing him the papers of results. "We got nothing."

"Nothing?" Hotch sounded surprised, looking through the papers.

"What?! Didnt you see how he was acting yesterday! Are you dumb?!" JJ shouted at him.

"Jennifer, take a walk." Hotch looked over to her before she stormed off.

"Hotch I'm with her, this is bull." Morgan shook his head walking off to find her.

Hotch shook his head. "When did you take these?"

"Last night, around midnight." The sheriff nodded.

"You realize if he were drugged it wouldn't have shown up after that long?" Hotch handed him the papers.

"Well we were busy, he's being transferred to a prison near your office, out of my control now." The sheriff nodded. "Now you guys can leave." He walked off away from his office.

"What is his deal?" Luke looked at Rossi and Hotch. Tara and the rest had gone to find JJ

"I don't know." Hotch shakes his head. "We've got to go see Reid."

"No you can't, he's being prepared to be transferred." A cop walking by said, not making any eye contact. Hotch just shook his head before walking out.

"Let's go everyone, we can't stay." Hotch looked at them all before going out to the SUV.

The rest of the team didn't even try, they left the station and headed to the jet, soon enough they were on their way home.

Spencer was fully aware of everything by now, he just couldn't remember anything that had happen yesterday. He was going to Prison and didn't even know why..

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