Chapter 12

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"Spencer please no..." Seaver cried out, she was holding her chest which was now bleeding, she wasn't even sitting on the floor, Cat was holding her up by her sides.

"Why not?" Spencer looked at her as he once again pushed the knife into her chest slowly.

Seaver tried to scream out in pain, but stopped quick when Cat pulled out her own knife to scare her.

"What did I say hun? No screaming." Cat smiled from behind her, looking at Spencer.

"Why are...are you d-doing this.." Seaver managed to squeak out.

"You don't need to know..but'll get their attention." Spencer smiled a bit looking at her.

"A-attention..? Who..?" Seaver spoke quietly.

"The team, obviously." Spencer looked at her. "Who else?"

Seaver shook her head. "Please..please just call d-dont have to do this.."

"But I do, I really do." Spencer once again pushed the knife into her chest, to connect a circle, he was extremely careful to make sure the cuts were not fatal.

Seaver tensed up in pain, blood now coming from her mouth.

"Thank you..for getting their attention." Spencer pulled out the gun slowly, placing the knife on the floor.

Seaver looked down at the gun then up at Spencer once again. "" she whispered, shaking her head.

"I have too." Spencer looked up at her for a minute before shooting her in the neck, in the same spot as Blake.

Ashley's body fell from Cat's arms and landed on the ground.

Spencer and Cat looked at one another before getting up and starting to clean everything up quick and perfect, just as before.

"I have an idea." Cat looked over to Spencer, they were just finishing cleaning.

"What is it?" Spencer stood up straight.

"How about we call them and hide. Don't you want to see how they are reacting to all this?" Cat smirked a bit.

Spencer thought for a moment, then got a slight smile on his face. "Let's do it."

Cat nodded with a smile before going over to grab the house phone, bringing it over to Spencer wrapped in a towel to keep their prints off.

Spencer took the phone, cleaned his throat and dialed 911 with another towel.

"911 whats your emergency?" An officer spoke over the phone.

Spencer lowered his voice. "There's been a murder. I heard screaming. Trace the number, I'm blind and don't know the address."

"Alright sir, what is your name?" The officer asked.

"A.S muncher." Spencer hung up the phone looking over to Cat.

Cat giggled before taking the phone and smashing it on the floor, she grabbed Spencer's arm and they ran out of the house and over to a neighbors yard, hiding in a huge children's play set.

Cop cars were starting to appear at the scene, one by one, then the black SUV's.

Spencer and Cat were hiding, watching everyone from a distance, being extremely careful.

"What happened?" Hotch walked up to an officer.

"Just like before. Shot in the neck, and stabbed." The officer spoke looking at him. "Another one of yours I'm guessing?"

Hotch didn't answer him, he turned to the team. "Let's go in."

They walked into the house, only to find the phone smashed on the floor and Ashley's body laying on the ground.

"Oh god.." JJ looked over at her body.

"There's more blood then before." Emily pointed out, before slowly walking over close to the body, squatting down to see everything better.

"What is it?" Hotch looked over to her, the rest of the team was now searching for clues around the house.

"There's another carving.." Emily looked over to him before slowly pulling down her shirt to show him.

"They have both been in the chest, maybe spelling something out? Maybe a name." Hotch walked over closer to her, looking down at the circle carving.

"Either he's spelling something out, or drawing different shapes." Emily looks back down at the wound. "She was still alive when this was done..."

"I can see that, this guy has no remorse." Hotch looked around before looking back at Emily. "How about the shot wound?"

Emily moved up closer to her neck, looking down at the opening.  "What the hell?"

"What is it?" Hotch got closer, leaning down as well.

"Hotch the bullet isn't even in here, the guy removed it." Emily looked over to him as the rest of the team walked back into the room.

Hotch stood up before looking at the team. "We need to go back to the BAU. This guy needs to be caught." He left the room and went outside.

Derek shook his head following him out. "Hotch! This guy is clearly extremely smart. We need to do more then just go back and forth from crime scene to office."

"Derek stop, the only evidence we have so far is there." Hotch looked over to him.

"I know that, but we need to spend more time here, there has got to be something." Derek pointed to the house while speaking.

"Derek we looked everywhere..there just isn't anything.." JJ walked up behind him, placing her hand on his shoulder.

Derek looked over at her before looking at the house. "We need to catch this son of a bitch."

"We will Morgan, don't worry." David spoke up from behind the group.

They all decided to do one last sweep of the place, before finally leaving and heading back to the building.

"Oh my god." Cat giggles. "They have no clue."

Spencer nodded, even started smiling, this was getting easier each time.  "Maybe they aren't as good as they think."

"Who can compare to your beautiful brain?" Cat smiled over at him.

"Shut up." Spencer looked over to her, that smile still on his face.

"Make me." Cat scooted closer to him, placing her hand on his face.

Spencer looked down at her, then it happened. He kissed her, as if nothing from their past mattered anymore.

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