Meeting Aspen

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(picture of kat above)

I'm walking down the street and I'm thinking what I'm going to need to think of a fake name. I'm sure some people know we are here, it's not like a town full of vampires isn't going to have any idea that there are Supernatural hunters in town. I'm thinking of a fake name as I'm walking down the street. I think I'll make my name Denwick, Kat Denwick.

I almost forgot I was looking for somewhere to hang out. I see this place called the Mystic Grill. I decide I'll go there to hang out. When I get in I text Sam telling him where I am just in case. I sit down at the bar.

"Beer please." I say to the bartender.

I am sitting at the bar when this girl comes storming over and sits down a couple seats away from me.  She seems angry. I want to go say hi and stuff but I'm not sure. She seems pretty mad. I go over anyway.

"Hey," I say.

"Hey," She says back. She still seems pretty mad.

"What's wrong?"

"Brothers," She tells me. I think I can actually make friends with this girl. We both have brother problems.

"I know how you feel. I have two brothers." I tell her.

"Me too, ever since I got back from New York, they want me by their side all the time."

"I know right. They are so controlling." We are totally bonding. This is easier than I thought it would be.

When we get to know eachother better she asks me  what my name is.

"Hey, just on a side note, what's your name? Mine's Aspen Boulard." I had to think what my name was again, oh ya.

"Mine's Kat, Denwick." I told her.

We talk for a while, about our lives. I make sure not to tell her who I am, just in case. I lie about what my family does. I say we are mechanics instead of hunters. We exchange phone numbers.

All of the sudden someone touches my shoulder.

"Oh, here you are Kat." It's Dean. He was probably wondering why I have been out for so long.

"Hey, Dean." I say a little nervously. I don't think Aspen noticed.

Aspen looked surprised "Wait this is the Dean you talked so much about? He looks more like a dick in person." I chuckled a bit at that. He can be sometimes.

"And who are you, pretty lady?" Like seriously Dean she is way younger than you, you don't have to act like that.

"I am Aspen Boulard and I heard alot about you." Aspen says directed at Dean.

"And I am Damon Boulard." Oh this must be the twin she was talking about. They do look alike.

"Wait, this is your twin, I see the resemblance." I say to both of them.

"Yea, the only difference is the hair, and the obvious mood difference." She says.

"Anyways, why are you here Kat?" Dean asks me.

"Sam said I should get a good look around the town, he said only be back at the place by nightfall." I'm starting to get annoyed with Dean. He is always trying to protect me while Sam actually lets me do things.

"And anyways, I could drive her home. I can take care of myself and others pretty well." Aspen tells everyone. Her brother doesn't look very impressed.

"Oh no you're not Aspen, you're coming home." Her brother says kinda annoyed.

"Just because you're 5 minutes older than me doesn't mean you're the boss." Aspen almost yelled at Damon.

"Kat lets go." Dean said to me. I'm starting to get mad.

"No!" Me and Aspen yelled at the same time.



Our brothers are starting to get on both of our nerves.

"Bye I got to go before he rips your throats out." Aspen said in a kidding voice.

"Yeah same." I said to her.

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