A very special Chapter special

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Hiii! It's Taya this time. This is my first time actually writing one of these because Aspen posts them. I just wanted to tell you that I do in fact have my own account with my own books. I am currently writing four books including this one. So that's why I don't write this one that regularly. I also have troubles with writer's block. But I want to start another Supernatural fan fiction soon so I am determined to try and finish this one. I have so many ideas flying around in my head.

If you would like to check out my account with my other stories it is...

I know that Aspen is a big fan of When Things Go Wrong so go check them out!

But anyways on with the point I am actually trying to tell you.

I wanted to try and do different points of view so you might get some of Sam and Dean. I hope you enjoy it!


Sam's Point of view

I watch Kat run off into the woods. She's gone. She turned her humanity off. Who knows what she's going to do. She could be killing people right now for all we know. I can feel the stares from the brothers behind me. They didn't run after Kat, or Aspen. They are the ones with super speed. I look at my brother lying on the ground, lifeless. Kat put the ring on his finger, but they said it wouldn't work.

I stand up and glare at the brothers. I grab Dean by the shoulders and Stefan comes to help by grabbing his ankles, Damon turns around and starts walking back to the cars. I know I should feel sad or bad for letting this happen, but there is always a way. The deal with death which was technically not a deal but we have no choice. Death is death and there is no stopping her.


When we get back to the boarding house me and Stefan place Dean on the couch.

"I don't want a dead corpse on my house. It's going to stink." Damon says. I think he's trying to joke but he's not good at it.

"Not like you haven't had one before." Stefan says smugly and Damon instantly loses his smirk.

"We need to find a way to get him back or we're never going to get Kat back!" I yell at them.

Dean's point of view

"We need to find a way to get him back or we're never getting Kat back!" Sam yells at the Salvatore brothers.

I am looking at myself lying on the couch. I guess I'm a ghost. I have been a ghost before but this feels different.

"There is no way to get him back!" Damon yells back at Sam.

There has to be a way. There is always a way.

"You're just saying that because you don't know how! There is always a way! Do you know how many times we've done this!" I feel bad for Sam.

"Maybe this time is different! Maybe there isn't a way!" Damon yells.

Maybe this is the time that I don't come back. Death said that this would be my last chance and I blew it. I thought Aspen would forgive me for real. But I can't leave Kat like that. She has no humanity, she is going to do bad things if we don't stop her. I can't let my little sister fall off the rails. I need to come back.

"BILLY YOU SON OF A BITCH! SHOW YOURSELF!" I scream into the emptiness surrounding me.


"BILLY! WE NEED TO TALK!" I yell even louder.

Still nothing.

"Crap," I say under my breath.

The brothers have left the room and Sam is sitting in a chair across from me. I know Sam is going to try and find a way to get me back, and I need to help.

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