[5] Lorenzo

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When I got back to the motel and got closer to the door I heard banging. Me and Claire look at each other. I open the door and immediately pull out my gun. There is a vampire or something fighting my brothers. I shoot it in the back. I knew that wasn't going to work but I needed to distract it. As it was coming for me Claire jumped in and started shooting it, just to slow it down. It looks like Sam got knocked out and Dean is standing up. Wait where is Cas? He could have just angel powered it and this problem would be over.

I keep shooting it until I have no bullets left. I didn't bring my machete this time. It's still in my room. Just as it was going to grab me, Dean comes up at chops it's head off. I now have blood all over me.

"Thanks." I say.

"Yeah, no problem."

I look down at my clothes. Yep blood all over me.

"Well, if this problem is over I am going to have a shower."

"Oh, and is Sam okay? And where is Cas?" I ask Dean.

"The vamp snuck in and jumped Sam and I think it waited till Cas left because as soon as he did this happened."

"They are smart in this town." I say.

"Yeah, well I should clean this up."

"'Hmm, How are you going to get the blood out of the carpet?"

"Well I could just burn this whole motel down and no one would know."


"Yeah, I know I'll probably just spill something else on it and the maids will know no different."

"Good, thank you."

I go to my room and hop in the shower. So apparently the vampires know we are here. That one that attacked us was stupid to even try. Thing is they don't know who they are dealing with.

When I get out of the shower I see that Claire is waiting for me on my bed.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked her. She looks kind of sad.

"Ya, it's just everytime I work a vamp case it brings back all the memories."

About three years ago Claire got taken by a nest of vampires, one of them tried to turn her. They fed her their blood and all she had to do was feed. Luckily we knew a cure from when Dean just about got turned. But going through transition is hard.

"It's okay, we will deal with this problem and we can move on."

"Thank you for always being there for me Kat."

"Well you are always there for me."

She heads back to her room and I get dressed, in a t- shirt and sweatpants and go to bed for the night.

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