anger issues

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"Can we get food, I'm starving?" I asked Aspen for like the fifth time.

" Shut it, but yes we can, I am starving too," she says.

We walk a little farther on the road and she lays down in the middle of it.

I go and hide in the trees along the road and wait. We wait for about five minutes until someone finally comes. I peek out from behind the tree. The car looks really familiar. All of a sudden Aspen jumps up and rushes over to me. She pulls me back behind a tree. I try to open my mouth to ask what the hell is going on but she shushes me.

I hear the car engine stop and I hear two voices that I know.

    " I swear in my life I saw someone Stefan, I'm not going to ignore the fact that you are not at the house finding a way to bring back Dean. God, where are you Aspen? You suck at covering up your trail," I hear Damon say.

    Aspen looks at me and then goes out of hiding. What is she doing?

    "I'm right here, although you haven't reached me quite yet," she says in a sarcastic tone.

    I want to burst out and pull her back in and run away but I know that might end badly.

    "Allright, I surrender," she says.

    That's it, I'm going out. She can't do this by herself.

    "Me too." I walk out to stand beside Aspen.

    The looks on their faces.

    "Kat, you're here." Stefan sounds heart broken. Where was he expecting me to go? Of course I wasn't planning on finding Aspen but hey, it all worked out in the end.

    "Yeah, I came across Aspen as I was on my own rampage. We have had some fun together already."

    "Both of you, please come home," Damon says, trying to sound sweet. I can see right through him.

    Aspen starts to walk closer to them and I follow behind her slowly. Then I see Aspen launched forward and the next thing I know both Stefan and Damon are on the ground.


    "What? Sometimes they can be annoying. Now get over here."  She hops in Damon's car. I follow suit.

    Sam's Point Of View

    Damon finally came out of hiding and took Stefan with him to go look for Aspen and Kat. I am stuck here by myself trying to find a way to get Dean back.

    I am working silently when I hear something crash in the kitchen. I get up and go to see what it is.

    Dean's Point Of View

    Mason is kind of pissing me off. He has the same personality as me and it's annoying. Now I kinda get why people get fed up with me after a while.

    "You want to get his attention? Knock this down."

    We have moved to the kitchen and he is trying to teach me how to move stuff.

    "I already tried and it didn't work."

    "That's because you didn't summon your inner wolf."

    "I don't know what that means!"

    "Just get really mad and try to hit the glass. Think of something that makes you furious."

    I think of the time Lucifer backstabbed us, but nothing. I think of the time anyone has betrayed us, but still nothing. Everytime I try and hit the glass, I fail.

    "You are not thinking deep enough. I always think of the time I died."

    Time I died. Aspen killed me. I hate myself for it, because I know it was my fault.

    This is it.

    "AGGGHHHHHH!" I swing my arm and the glass falls and shatters on the floor.

    Oh my god. I did it. I did it!

    "There you go," he sounds genuinely proud. I know I am proud.

    "Hell yeah!"

    As I am celebrating I totally forgot that Sam was in the house. He comes around the corner and looks so confused. He crouches down and looks at the broken glass.


    I need to do something. I tried to hit a frying pan. The frying pan that me and Aspen used to make pancakes but it didn't work. Dammit!

    Sam stands up and sighs. He walks back to the living room. I need him to know I'm here.

    Kat's Point Of View

    We got Aspen's car and drove all the way to New York. Apparently we were going to walk the whole way. I am glad we found them so we can drive instead.

    Apparently I fell asleep because when I open my eyes and sit up we are parked in front of an apartment building. I am the only one in the car. Aspen isn't here with me. I get out of the car and walk to the entrance of the building. I go in and I instantly know where Aspen is because I hear her yell, "WHAT IN THE HELL?!"

I walk up the stairs to the fifth floor and in the room I heard her from. I get in the door and people are jumping, dancing, and making out all over the place.

"EVERYONE! OUT NOW!" Aspen yells.

Most of the people get up and move. Some Aspen has to shoo out of here. She looks a guy in the eyes and tells him to clean up the place. She turns around and sees me and she has no expression on her face.

The guy sees me and smiles drunkenly. "Heyyyyy..."


A couple hours pass and then Aspen goes looking for some food. She heads to the back of the apartment and comes back with nothing.

"Do you want me to go and pick something up off the street?" I offer. I could use something too.


"Any preferences?"

"Big, I'm starving."

I walk down the stairs again and out the front door. It's the middle of the night so the streets are empty. There are only a couple people. Which is nice because then there won't be any witnesses.

I walk up to this guy who is perfect. He is jacked and will probably be the best meal we've had.

He turns to face me when he sees me walking up to him.

"Well hello. What would you like?" He says.

I look him in the eyes and say, "I would like for you to follow me."

I start walking back across the street to the apartment. I look over my shoulder to make sure he's following me, he is.

When we get back to the apartment Aspen is standing behind the drunk guy and he is facing the window. She hears us come in and turns to face us.

The guy behind me asks, "What the hell is going on here?"

"Good, you're here, we can continue that after we have a snack." She says.

"Snack?" I turn around. "Just stop talking." I tell the guy.

I bring him over to a chair and Aspen takes the first bite. I sink in after that.

When we're done with him she throws him in a closet and we move to the other guy.

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