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this is dedicated to my friend who wrote this pov. once we get more veiws, I might do an age reveal. also she has been my friend for over a year now, and she has been amazing throughout and she was the one who got me into spn so enjoy.


"Aspen, you need to go to the basement, now!" Damon yelled at Aspen.

"Fine, but I am going to eat three whole vervain plants while I'm down there." Aspen says back at him. What's vervain? That sounded like a threat because Damon said, "Please no."

Whatever plant that is must hurt them.

Aspen headed downstairs while Damon and Stefan stayed. I was still on the couch with two brothers standing there just staring at each other in silence.

Finally Damon says something, "Stefan, teach her, I will talk to Aspen. I know her better."

So I guess Stefan is my new teacher.

"So where would you like to start?" He asks me.

"I have no idea. I do not know how anything works around here, so you pick."

"Well we should start with your hunger. I started on an animal diet, but when I got off I became a ripper."

"Side note." I say.

"What's a ripper?"

"Exactly what it sounds like." That doesn't sound good. I want to learn the best way to control this. I don't want to hurt my family.

"I want to learn the best way. Is the animal diet the best? Will it help me control my thirst?" I ask him. He hesitates before he says something.

"Well, blood bags are probably the best."

"Then let's do that." I say.

He takes me to the basement. We walk past this cell. It has chains and it looks old. I think he sees me looking at it.

"Oh, by the way, if you ever become a ripper. You're going in there." Well that scared me.

He walked over to the freezer and opened it. It was full of blood bags.

"Help yourself."

I just look at him. When I get closer I can feel something happening with my eyes. He doesn't have any expression. He's just watching me struggle. I turn around until they go back to normal. 

"That's what we're trying to control." He said. My back is still facing him.

"But we will work on it."

Next we travel back upstairs. He opened the front door and went outside. I followed not knowing what we were doing.

"Next lesson, running." he said.

I'm excited for this one.


"Um, I have no idea how to do this." I say to him.

"Just push off and run." I look at him and then at my feet.

I push off and go. I go so fast. I can still see everything perfectly but to him I just blurred past. I stop on the other side of the yard. I look at him and he smiles. I smile too. I ran back over to him. I almost fall but he catches me at the right moment.

"You good?" He asks me.

"Yeah, thanks." I say. I'm getting the weird feeling, the same feeling I got when I was with Ash.

The first time we met I knew he was my type. Liked the same stuff and everything. Jo and Dean were friends. He always tried getting her, but she wouldn't let him. Ash was always the smart one. He could find anything using anything. Until the fire. My family has a bad history with fires. Nothing good ever comes with them. We needed information but then the monster burnt the bar down. We still got the information but Ash was gone. It took me a while to get over that, but I did. Will Stefan be the new Ash?

I stand back up and we start walking back into the house. When we get back in there is this other guy in the living room. He stands up from the couch and walks closer in our direction.

"You must be the new vampire." He says to me.

I turn to Stefan and ask him, "Who's this?"

"Matt. I got Damon to call him over for your next lesson. Compulsion." He says to me.

This sounds fun.

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