'Scape Goat

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Kat's Point Of View

The day I came back everything went back to normal except Aspen. She still doesn't have her humanity back. We had to lock her in the cellar in the basement until she gets it back, but she is showing no signs of caring.

Dean is still getting back to normal after Sam resurrected him. I can't say this hasn't happened before. I apologized to everyone and they forgave me. They said I wasn't a ripper like Aspen, she was just influencing me. They said I could have controlled myself if Aspen wasn't there. I like myself better with humanity anyway, I have no plan on turning back.

Me and Stefan are getting closer. Ever since our kiss he has been seeing me extra lately. I don't mind it, I actually enjoy his company. I know Dean and Aspen were close, until she killed him. I now hold a tiny grudge against her. But it was mostly his fault. Sometimes he has no consideration for other people.

This morning I woke up and went downstairs to a nice smelling kitchen. Someone was making breakfast. I find it funny that even though vampires don't need to eat human food they still do.

I walk into the kitchen and Stefan is sitting at the table with a drink in his hand.

"Already? It's 7 in the morning." I joke.

He just smiles at me. I smile back.

I look to the stove where Damon is cooking breakfast. He seems to know what he's doing. I mean it makes sense since he's been around for a hundred years, I'm sure he's had lots of practice.

I sit down at the table across from Stefan. Not soon after Dean and Sam come strolling out of their rooms. Everyone has finally had a good night's sleep. We haven't been able to sleep much lately with everything going on. Now all the stress is gone, well except for Aspen, but we have that covered.

After we eat I decide I want to go see Aspen. She can't get to me through the cage door and she doesn't have the energy right now to move either.

When I get to the basement I can hear her breathing. My vampire senses kicking in. She can probably hear me too. When I get in front of the door she turns her head to face me.

"What do you want?" She says in a mean tone.

"Just wanted to see how you're doing."

"I'm fine."

"You don't sound fine."

"Just leave. It's not like I haven't been locked in here before."

She really is in a bad mood. I probably won't be the one to change her mind so I leave.

I go back upstairs. The living room is empty, which is nice because I could  use some alone time. Everyone has been so affectionate since I got back.

My brothers and Cas are catching up on everything that has happened. The other brothers are somewhere. Probably at the bar. I settle down and have a drink. It's nice and quiet.

Soon Stefan and Damon get back from wherever they were and they go downstairs to check on Aspen. I hear someone yell and come running back up the stairs.

"We've got a problem." Damon says.

"Aspen's gone."

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