Meeting Kat (Aspen's POV)

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I didn't realise four and a half hours passed by while I was reading about the history of Mystic Falls in the 1800's. Of course some of it was wrong.

"Ahh, dear beloved twin, what a great bump in. I was wondering if you would like to talk to me as of why you actually came, because I lied. No Supernatural Hunters are coming, and quite frankly i did it to get you to mystic falls." Damon said smugly.

"Are you Serious! Please don't tell me you did that. I gave up my apartment in New York just to come here and save your butt." I almost screamed.

"Ugh. I need to leave here, you clearly are that selfish Boy I left years ago."

As I drove up to the mystic grill, fully expecting Damon to come rushing after me. I thought to myself, if anyone asks about my last name, I'll have to lie because people believe the salvatore bloodline ended with the three of us. Damn. how about, Boulard.

I stormed in, still mad at Damon.I sat down two Bar stools away from a girl who looked like she was around the age I looked like and ordered some bourbon. She comes over to me, i could tell she was scared of talking to me because being twins to Damon meant having some pretty bad anger issues from time to time. My blue eyes had glints of anger, which is also shared between us. He was always bad at hiding his anger.

"Hey" she says.

"Hey," I say, still mad.

"What's wrong?" she said, we would become friends right away.

"Brothers" I said.

"I know how you feel, I have two brothers." she tells me.

"Me too, ever since I got back from New York, they want me by their side all the time" I say, getting annoyed at Damon and stefan.

"I know right, they are so controlling" she said

" Hey, just on a side note, What's your name, Mines Aspen, Boulard." I said getting more interested

" Mine's kat, Denwick." kat said.

We trade phone numbers. An Hour passed just talking about how things were here in mystic falls, sometimes almost slipping the supernatural creature part.

"Oh here you are, Kat." a man came over and said.

"Hey, Dean," Kat said, a little nervous.

"Wait, this is the Dean you talked so much about? He looks more like a dick in person" I said.

"And who are you, pretty lady?" dean said "seductively"

" I am Aspen Boulard, and I heard a lot about you."

"And I am Damon Boulard" Damon came up behind me, I rolled my eyes.

"Wait, this is your twin. I see the resemblance" Kat said.

"Yea, the only difference is the hair and the obvious mood difference."

" Anyways, why are you here,Kat?" Dean Asks.

"Sam said I should get a good look around the town, he said only be back at the place by nightfall" she said in an obvious tone.

" and anyways, I could drive her home. I can take care of myself and others pretty well." I said.

" oh no you're not Aspen you're coming home. Now." Damon said.

" Just because you're 5 minutes older, doesn't mean you're the boss." I said.

"Kat, let's go." Dean says, a little softer.

"No!" we yelled in unison.



"Bye I gotta go before he rips your throats out." I said making sure it sounded like a lie.

Practice, all it takes is practice and you'll be able to lie smoothly.

"Ya same." Kat said.

As we left I made sure to glare at damon the whole time.

"What!? They could have been the hunters." he said.

"Wait, I thought you lied! What the hell Damon."

"It's Not entirely his fault. I said that klaus was lying. But clearly Damon doesn't listen like always." Stefan butted in.

"Oh really, then why have none of you ever met them?" i asked

" Fine, we'll get Bonnie to do her voodoo seeing thing on one of them." Damon said, completely ignoring my previous question.

"You do not get to ignore my question, Why have you never seen or heard of them?" I asked again.

"Because, there are a lot of...tourists,"Stefan replies.

"See you guys at the house, I am not talking to you," I say annoyed again.

I got in my purple 1965 purple fastback mustang. I sped off towards the house.


I am going to post all the parts of the story I have written now. so you can have a good reading expeirience while I write

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