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2 hours have passed. Bonnie isn't here yet. The sun has come up. I'm sitting on the couch reading about the history of the Salvatores when something burns. I jump up and where I jump it also burns. I speed run into a corner.

"That's the sun." Stefan says.

Oh great, the sun hurts. I mean I expected that but still. It hurts.

"Bonnie should be here soon. She is dealing with something."

Stefan heads up the stairs. When he's at the top he says, "Come here, I have something I want to show you."

I walk up the stairs and follow him into the room I'm assuming is his room. It's pretty empty. There is a bed, side tables, and a bookcase. Half of the bookcase is full of journals. They have dates written on the spines.

"Take your pick." Stefan says as he points to all the journals.

There must have been hundreds. I go closer to get a better look. They start from 1864 and go all the way to now. I picked up the ones that said 1922 -1923. I flipped to the first page and the first word I saw was ripper. 

"You were a ripper?" I asked Stefan.

"Yes, me and Aspen were." He replied.

I read "Lexi is trying to get me back on an animal diet. She thinks it's better for me. What she doesn't know is that I like being like this."

"I also had no humanity while I was a ripper." He said.

"Humanity?" I questioned him.

"Yes, you have an on off switch pretty much. The reason we won't let you see your brothers is because if you hurt them in any way your humanity will be gone, and we don't know if you're a ripper or not, and we don't want to find out." he explained to me.

"I forgot to ask, how old are you?"

"162" He said.

"I have a messed up life." Stefan said.

I scoff.

"You have a messed up life. You should see mine." I said laughing a little.

"Why? What happened?" He asked me, chuckling a bit. 

"Well... I've been to Hell. Multiple times. I've been to Heaven also multiple times. I have killed God's, angels, and demons. Literally anything you can think of."

"Heh, yeah, our lives are great." He said sarcastically.

"You don't even want to know how many times I've died." he said.

"Well, Dean has died somewhere in the hundreds." I said, barely being able to talk without laughing.

"Same with me. I've lost count by now." He said laughing.

When we settled down. He walked over to me and just as he placed his hand on my shoulder we both heard Damon say, "What are you doing here?"

He pulled his arm away looking embarrassed. I kinda am too.

"That must be Bonnie."

We walk down the stairs. Damon just looks at us with that look.

"What were you two doing?" He said smugly.

"Nothing. Just showing her something."

"Showing, yeah sure." He mumbled under his breath.

There is this girl with a bob haircut and she is carrying a bag.

Must be the Bonnie they talked about.

"You must be the newbie." She says to me.

"Here put this on." She hands me a ring.

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