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"Yeah, Alex phoned Jody saying she needed help on a case involving one of her old friends from before. You know."

"Yeah, I know. Well thanks for helping out for a while. See you when we are done with this case."

"See you." She walks out the door. I hear their car start and they drive away.

I don't want to do work today. After what happened last night I don't want to see Aspen anymore but I know I have to if we want to finish this.

I grabbed a blue plaid shirt from my bag and a pair of jeans. I go over to my brother's room. Sam is sitting at the table with a can of pop on the side of his head. This time Dean is sitting on the computer. Cas still isn't back.

"Where's Cas?" I ask.

"I don't know. He hasn't replied to any of my messages or prayers." Dean sounds very calm considering he hasn't come back.

"Don't worry, he'll be fine. He's an angel in a town of vampires." That is true I'm sure he's fine.

It's been 2 hours and so far it's been a relaxing type day. Dean has been on the laptop and Sam has been reading books. I am trying to find things on my phone. I can't decide if I should tell them about what happened last night or not.

About 30 minutes later there is a knock on the door. We were all zoned out so it scared us all. Sam picks up his gun. Puts it on the other side of the door and looks through the peephole. So it's not anyone dangerous because he lowers his gun. It better be Cas.

When he opens it it is Cas, Thank god he's okay.

"Dude, where were you?" Dean sounds annoyed, I mean we all are.

"Someone prayed to me."

"Well don't answer it, we are kinda in something important here."

"It was another angel. I can't just ignore my brother's and sister's." Now Cas seems annoyed. I know better than to get in the middle of these types of arguments so I just stay quiet.

I need some alone time. I'm just going to go and sit on the bench right outside the door. I don't feel that safe going somewhere else.

When I'm at the door Dean asks, "And where are you going?"

"I need some fresh air."

When I get outside and sit down I put my head in my hands. When I look up there is this man standing across the street. Staring at me. He is tall and dirty blond. When he knows I'm also staring at him he smiles. I am now done with my fresh air. I go back inside.

"What's wrong?" Sam  asks.


"That look doesn't say it's nothing." Dean says.

"Just some guy." I don't know what to say. I don't  have any idea of who that guy was. He could have just been a creepy guy. Or a vampire. That thought I can't get out of my head. If he knows who we are, and Stefan. Who else knows? 

I forgot I had the idea that I was going to take Cas with me to the bar to meet Aspen. As soon as I remembered that my phone buzzed. Oh look it's Aspen. Good timing.


  'Hey, how are you?'

'Good, you?'

'Just wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out at the bar again later?'

'Sure, but is it okay if I bring my cousin? My brothers are getting annoyed with him. I think they need a break.'

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