[15]Drama Queen is in town

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We walk back upstairs and I go to the kitchen to find Dean. When I got there he wasn't there and neither was Aspen. He wouldn't leave just after we made plans. Me and Sam go looking for him. We first went to his room. Sam doesn't even care to knock; he just opens the door and there Dean is sitting on his bed with Aspen, their lips touching. I almost gasped out loud but managed to hold it in. Dean spotted us first.

"Um, are you ready to go?" I asked.


    We got out to the car and nobody said anything for the whole drive to the bar. What would we say? Me and Sam caught Dean and Aspen making out. We arrive at the bar and enter. I find a table and we sit down. Dean orders us all beers and he gets a burger. We sat there for a while talking about some old hunts we went on and how I was doing with controlling everything. I saw that boy Matt at the counter so at least we know that we are safe here.

    Dean goes to get us more drinks. Me and Sam stay at the table. I told Dean to get me some fries too.

    "Man, what's taking him so long?" Sam asks.

    I look over to the counter and he's standing there with a girl. Of course. But I thought he was with Aspen.

    He's walking back now. She's following him. Girls are always attracted to him no matter what. He has the looks and attitude.

    "Hey guys, this is Rebekah." Wait, hang on, Rebekah, like the Rebekah?

    She sits down with Dean.

"So how is everyone?" She asks in a snotty tone. She's blond. I hate blonds. They are always so snotty and think they are better than everyone else. Except for Jo, Ash's 'sister'. She was a good blond.

    We talk for a while and I still hate Rebekah. Dean let her come with us back to the house. He kicked Sam to the back seat so she could sit in the front with him.

    "This sucks," I say to Sam quietly enough that Dean doesn't hear.

    "Just let him have his fun. He hasn't done this in awhile you know."

    "I know, but he always says family first and then this happens."

    "Yeah..." he says, his voice trailing off.

    We get back to the house and when we enter Stefan is standing there. I'm pretty sure he was standing right in front of the door waiting for us to come back. I get in and he says, "How was it?"

    "Good until Dean got a girl."

    "Girl?" I point at the door. Rebekah is just walking in.

    "Oh hell no," Stefan says walking to the door.

    "Oh hell no wha-" Damon starts saying, "Oh hell no."

    "She cannot come in here." Stefan says to Dean.

    "Why not?"

    "It's Rebekah."

    "Wait, the Rebekah?" I ask.

    "Yes, and everytime she comes here she causes trouble." Damon sounds very annoyed.

    "Aww are you still not over the time I killed your little girlfriend?"


    "No, not even a little. She is not welcome here."

    As Damon was saying that I see Aspen enter the room.

    "What the hell is she doing here?" Okay, obviously no one likes her at all.


so this is shorter than normal, but at least i posted. we are slowly updating. it takes time effort and i am in a situation right now, i may not post for awhile. and again we both have a plan we just have major writer's block.


Aspen and Taya

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