[10]hello ...Darker world

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I wake up and I'm on a couch. I sit up and look around. I am still in their house. What happened? Stefan is sitting across from me in a chair. He is holding a drink.

"Welcome back." he says.

I have a major headache, and my neck hurts.

"Wha-" he cut me off.

"You died."

I just remembered, I tried saving Aspen and then I am pretty sure Cas stabbed me in the back. Oh no, what about Dean and Sam.

"Di-" He cut me off again.

"Yes your cousin stabbed you. Yes you died. You are now in transition."

"Aspen fed you her blood to heal you. She didn't have to kill you but she did. So if you want to live as a vampire I would suggest drinking that." he points to the table beside me. There was this glass. It had a red liquid in it. I'm guessing that's blood.  

I can't believe this. I can't become one of the things that we hunt.

I then remembered that Dean was in transition and we found a cure.

"Wait." I say, Stefan turns to look at me.

"There is a cure."

"No there isn't. I mean there is but I wouldn't recommend it." What? There is a cure.

"I forgot to tell you that we are different. We aren't your normal vampires. Whatever Dean stabbed me with doesn't work. There is a cure but then you'll die anyway. Your cure won't work on you."

"So I either die or become one of you."

"Yes." he confirms.

"Oh also, I forgot to tell you. Cas isn't our cousin. He's an angel."

"An angel?"

"Yeah, trust me we're not crazy even though sometimes I think it."

I can't do this. I sit there for a while, thinking. What happens if they don't want me anymore because I'm a vampire. I don't want to die but I also don't want to be a vampire. Stefan stands up and walks towards the kitchen. He has been watching me for the past hour. I haven't moved at all. I think he got bored and went to talk with the interesting people. I can't stop thinking about it. Blood. I can smell it right beside me. I'm trying so hard not to give in. I have decided on what I want to happen.

I get off the couch and start to go to the kitchen. No ones there. I wonder where Stefan went. I'm thinking they are in their rooms. My head is pounding and my legs feel like jello. I manage to make my way in front of Dean's door. As I'm lifting my hand to the handle I lose my balance and fall. I didn't hit the ground. Someone caught me.

"What are you doing?" Oh it's Stefan.

"I wanted to say goodbye. In human form."

"You've decided?" He questions me.


He speeds me back over to the couch and says, "I'll get them."

This is going to be so hard for them. Especially Cas. I am once again put beside that glass. I don't want to go near it so I shuffle to the other side of the couch. They all come out of their rooms and sit across from me.  I see Damon and Aspen come to. It's like everyone wants to see me die. I can barely function right now. We just look at each other for about a minute. Then finally Dean asks, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I just wanted to say goodbye."

"Kat." Sam says. He comes to hug me. I see Damon look over to Stefan with a look.

I soon realized what that look meant. I can hear Sam's heart beating. I can feel the blood rushing through his veins. I close my eyes and try to fight it. I can't. I push him away. I can't hurt them. I didn't even notice that Cas wasn't here. I feel terrible for him. Dean looks  sad. Sam looks confused.

"I suggest that you go back to your rooms, again." Aspen tells them.

They get up off the couch and walk down the hallway, Aspen follows them. Damon isn't far behind. Stefan has been with me the whole time. He cares.

"How does this work? Do I just drink that." I ask him.


I take a few deep breaths and pick up the glass. I put it to my lips and take a sip. It tastes so good. I drink the rest of the glass. I guess I am now a vampire. Stefan is just standing there staring at me. All of the sudden the pain in my head is gone. Everything is gone. I feel fantastic.

"And... Now it's time for your lessons." He says.


"Your vampire lessons."

Great. Maybe I can learn how to run like them.

"How 'bout Mr. I love humans, get some rest, I'll teach you." I hear Aspen say from across the room.

Stefan looks annoyed.

"No." he says.

"How about we see if she is a ripper, go from there." Damon says. Ripper? That doesn't sound good.

"You two are like dogs fighting over a piece of rotten meat."

Now I'm annoyed.

"Why don't you let me decide." I say. Just a thought.

"Yeah, great idea, let the girl who doesn't know what a ripper is," Aspen says. I mean she's not wrong. 

"Oh sorry" I say.

"Aspen, you need to go to the basement, now!" Damon yelled at Aspen.

"Fine, but I am going to eat three whole vervain plants while I'm down there." Aspen says back at him. What's vervain? That sounded like a threat because Damon said, "Please no."

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