Friendly Hunters

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As soon as me and Dean got out of the building I punched him.

"Ow, what was that for."

"Come on that didn't even hurt. I was trying to get to know people so we can figure out who is one and who isn't but thank you very much for stopping my investigation."

"Ok, I wasn't trying to annoy you. I wanted to get you out of there because that brother she has is being kinda suspicious. I have been following him a little." Dean is starting to make sense.

"Also how did you find me?" He couldn't have searched the whole town in like 2 hours.

"I got into Sam's phone. You tell him things but not me."

"Well he is more trustworthy." I don't think I should have said that. We didn't talk all the way back to the motel.

On the walk back I'm thinking like really the one person that I can relate to might be a vampire, come on! When we get back to the motel Sam is still sitting at the table with Cas looking through books.

    "Cas went to the library and got some books on the history of this town." Sam tells me and Dean. I don't think he knows I'm here.

    "I also called Bobby to see if he could dig anything up."

    "Heyyy." I say

    "Wait what are you doing back so early." Sam seems a little confused and annoyed.

    "Ask him." I say and point at Dean.

    I let Dean explain everything to Sam and Cas. I go back to my room where I can have some peace and quiet. I plugin my headphones and start listening to my music. I'm thinking about my friendly interaction with Aspen. She seemed pretty legit, but I guess being one of them means you have to learn how to lie too.  A couple minutes later I hear a knock on the door. I walk over to it and look through the peephole. Oh thank god, it's Jody and Claire. Not some psycho vampire coming to kill me.

"Hey guys." I say in a welcoming voice.

"Where is Sam and Dean?" Jody asks.

"Oh they are in the room next door."

Us three go over there. They must have called them to come and help.

"So what's going on here?" Asks Claire. Me and Claire always get along. We are a lot alike. We never fight or anything, we are just about the same age. She is 2 years younger than me.  Her backstory is also kinda harsh.

We explain what has happened so far to Jody and Claire. They seem into it.

"Sure we'll help." Jody confirms.

Jody and Claire get their own room and I go back to mine. I just want some time to reflect on everything that has happened. I'm just getting into it when there is a knock on my door. I know it can't be Cas because he would just fly right on in. It must be Claire. Me and her always hang out. I walk over and open the door.

"Hey."  I greet her.


"What's up?"

"Nothing, just wanted to come and see you. You keep going to your room so I wanted to come and see if you were okay." I'm glad she is concerned about me.

"Oh ya, I just needed time to think."

"Ya I heard. So we're thinking those Boulard people are the vamps right?"

"I don't know. Aspen, the girl, she seemed pretty nice. Although she could be lying." I am telling Claire everything I have been thinking about. She is helping me figure out some things and possibilities.

"Okay, well I should go check on Jody. She is the one that has to deal with the boys."

I laugh a little "Ok, bye."

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