Monster trouble

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"She must have hid something in there the last time she was locked up." Stefan replies.

That makes me think back to when she said, "It's not like I haven't been locked in here before."

It makes sense now. Of course she would do that.

"You know what, we'll handle it." Stefan assures.

I trust them. I'm sure it isn't the first time and probably won't be the last.

When I walk into the dining room Sam and Dean are sitting beside each other looking down at the table. I look again and see they are looking at a phone. I creep behind the corner to the kitchen and turn on my super hearing.

"It's bad guys." Someone's voice says. I can't make it out.

"We can come and help if you need it." Dean replies.

"That would be greatly appreciated. We already have a couple hunters on it, but no one can track this thing down."

"Okay, Jody. We'll be on our way in a couple hours."

Jody needs help. If she needs help that might mean Claire needs help too.

I was just about to come out until I heard my brothers talk again. "Should we tell Kat?" Sam asks Dean.

"I don't know, This could break her again, if anything were to happen to them." Dean replies.

This wouldn't break me. I am working on controlling my emotions. Stefan is helping me. He's been where I am right now.

I go back behind the wall more so they don't see me. I hear them coming closer so I quickly run and sit in a chair in the living room. They walk in the room, I look up at them. They have pitiful looks on their faces.

"Let me guess, something has come up."

Dean nods. "With Jody."

"There is some monster wreaking havoc on a bunch of hunters." Sam says.

"Have they gotten to them yet?" I ask.

"Not yet, but they are trying to track it down."

"Well let's go help them."

They look at each other. That look I know too well.

"We think you should stay here." That's what I thought.

"Hell no. I am coming with you guys."

"We just think that you aren't in the greatest stages to be hunting right now." Of course they would say that.

"You guys do this every time I have a little crisis, but when you guys are having an even bigger crisis than me, you still go out hunting. I am sick of being treated like the little sister that can't do anything. If anything, I am more helpful now because of all my extra abilities." The looks on their faces were amazing. I had finally snapped and they weren't expecting it. It's about time that I did. I have been putting up with their shit for years and I'm sick of it.

No one says anything for a while until Dean speaks up. "Fine. You can come. But you have to promise that if anything happens you can't break down."

I nod.

"We'll leave tomorrow morning."

We split our ways throughout the house. I didn't even think of Stefan. How is he going to react to this. I can't just get up and leave. My brothers are probably on their way to go tell everyone. I need to get to Stefan before they do. I want to break his heart with my own words.

I rush throughout the house. My vampire speed is coming in handy. I finally found him in his room. I don't know why I didn't check here first. He hears me come in and turns to face me. Just at the same time Sam and Dean pop up behind me.

"Is something wrong?" Stefan asks, he has a concerned look on his face.

"No," I say way too fast. "Not really."

I turn around and tell my brother to go somewhere else. They listen. They know my situation here.

"I need to tell you something."

He walks over to his bed and sits down. He looks so innocent, and here I am about to break his heart. I feel terrible.

"I'm leaving."


"I mean, I have to go."

"Go where?"

"Back home. We have some friends that are in trouble and we need to go help them. I have no idea when we'll be back, if we even come back. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I get it. Family is important. I've been there, trust me. I wish you luck."

"Really?" I was not expecting this.


He pulls me in for a hug. We kiss. It's only the second time but it feels like the first.

When we pull away I smile and hug him again.

"I'll be back."

"You should go pack."

I give him another small smile and leave the room. I make my way to my room. I need to collect all my stuff that's flung all over the room.

I stuff it all back into my bag, including my gun. I go to the door after taking one last look at the house. My brothers and Cas are already standing there waiting for me. We say our last goodbyes and leave. We hop in the impala, but this time Dean lets me drive. He never lets me drive. He doesn't even let Sam drive, let alone Cas. This is a miracle. Maybe they did listen to my speech. I hop in and turn the key, a great big smile on my face.

"Don't worry I won't crash. I have my license, you know." I could see the worry on his face.

"Let's go then." He says as we drive on our way back home.

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