Breakfast and k

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This morning when I woke up I forgot I didn't change my clothes last night. A lot happened last night. I got out of bed and grabbed one of my plaid shirts, a pair of jeans, and my boots. I always wear jeans. I leave my room and as soon as I exit my room I smell bacon. I walk towards the kitchen and the scent becomes stronger. When I get in the kitchen I see Dean standing at the stove frying the bacon, just like home. Aspen is standing beside him. It looks like he is teaching her how to fry bacon. I smile, then I look over to the table and Sam is sitting there reading a book, just like home. I sit down at the table with Sam.

"Good morning." He said.

I'm still waking up so I just moan. He smiles at me.

"Me too."

I look over in Dean's direction and say, "Smells good."

"Yeah, it better taste good too, or there is something wrong with it." He replies. 

"We're also making pancakes." Aspen says happily.

I laugh a little and stand up. I saw  Stefan in the living room. I went over to talk to him.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Stefan asks me.

"Pretty good considering." I say.

We are having a nice conversation, when all of the sudden the doors burst open. That guy that set the motel on fire is standing in the doorway.

"What do you want Klaus?!" Stefan yells across the room towards him.

"Hey, my little sis is coming to town. She's not happy about the whole hunter problem, she is most likely to kill you, if you don't kill her first." he says back to all of us, "But if you lay a hand on her I will hunt you down and kill you myself instead."

Who's his sister, he is really protective over her. I mean my brothers are like that too.

After about an hour Stefan finally breaks the awkward silence between us.

"I was thinking, how about you and your brothers go out somewhere and hang out."

I think that's a great idea. We could go to the bar and hang out.

"Sure, I think that's a good idea."

I go back to the kitchen to find Dean sitting with Aspen at the table.

"Hey do you maybe want to go to the bar later with me? I'm going to ask Sam too. I would have asked Cas but he's not here. I'm starting to get worried about him."  I say to Dean.

"Yeah I think that's a good idea, we could get some sibling bonding time alone. I'm sure Cas is fine; he always disappears for a while but he always comes back. I think he just needs some time to think about what happened." Dean replies to me. He really hates Cas now for what he did even though it wasn't his fault.

I go find Sam. I check his room but he's not there. I walk around the whole house looking in every room. I check Damon's room and it is surprisingly clean and dark. I check Aspen's room down the hall and her room is brighter. She has these beautiful dresses that look like they are from the 1800's which makes sense. I get to Stefan's room which I have already been in so I know what it looks like. I don't want to go in, I don't want to invade his privacy. I know he has stuff  and secrets I'm sure he doesn't want me to discover. I tried to avoid this place but I went down to the basement and to my surprise he was just standing looking at the cell.


He turns around and looks like I scared him.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to come to the bar with me and Dean later? Have some sibling bonding time?" I ask him.

"What are you doing down here anyway?"

"I was just looking around. Going to hang out sounds like a great idea, when are we going?"


"We can go now if you want I think I'm done staring at this door." He says and turns around.

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