Black Jackals

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It was afternoon after class when Hinata saw Inko enter the library she sometimes go here to sleep.

"Inko." Hinata called her and raise her hand but she quickly cover her mouth when she heard the table bell rang. She looked at the librarian and bow a little.

"That old hag is sensitive to noise." Inko said and roll her eyes. "Hinata do you know what happened to that guy last time?" She asked 

"Oh.. him? No." she lied. That's a one time deal and she don't want to talk about that again she already said that two dancers to never tell anyone about it.

"Tch! Such a waste he's a good catch and he's rich." Inko said and wiggle her brow.

"He's also big" Hinata said at the back of her mind but shook her head when she realized what she just said.

"Are you free later? let's hangout!" 

"I have something to do maybe next time?" She got a call this morning she will be back to that house to clean again. She's thinking if she will keep this part-time since it's not that bad and they pay good.

Inko made face before she roll her eyes in dismay but Hinata just shrug.

After class Hinata went again to the house and start her job right away. Unlike before there's nothing much to do today she also got a note on the fridge asking her to cook again for them they also informed her that they are expecting a delivery and they want her to hang it to the wall where she think it will fit.

After cleaning she started cooking to get home early but someone ring the doorbell. 

"Must be the delivery." she whispered and run to the door, after she received it she went back to cooking and finish it before she look for a place to hang it in the living room. After hanging it she unwrap the cover to see what is it.

Her eye's widen when she saw a group picture of Black Jackals with their mascot and there's the mask guy with flat expression doing the claw pose of Black Jackals.

Hinata stare at it while still standing on top of the couch thinking if she should let go of this part time. Her world is getting smaller.

No, maybe the owner of this house is fan.. Yes, let's just put it that way.

She took a deep breath and convince herself that that's the case but before she even move out of the couch she heard someone open the door and went inside.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! I smell food!" Bokuto shout as soon as he enter the place.

"Bo kun I smell curry!" Atsumu said and run after Bokuto inside the house when he saw a girl standing on the couch in front of their huge picture on the wall.

"Who're ya? Stalker?!" 

"W-what? No!" Hinata said and wave her hand.

Atsumu walked to her and ready to drag her out of the place when Meian enter the house.

"Atsumu! Stop harassing her!" Meian said and pull Hinata beside him to protect her from Atsumu.

"Captain she might be a stalker-"

"I'm the housekeeper!" Hinata told him to make him stop. "I-I have to go home now.. Your food is ready." she said and grab her bag to leave but she bump to Sakusa who is currently taking off his shoes. He's fast enough to catch her but when their eyes met Hinata's hand started sweating and Sakusa stared at her as if he can't believe it. 

He's staring at familiar amber eye's and ginger hair that won't leave his thoughts for the past days. He want to think that it's her if not with the long hair. You can't grow your hair this long in a few days.

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